The realization

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I fell on one knee as I began to breathe heavily, sure I was eating a lot but I was still malnourished a bit and could barely stand up for long after a sprint to the church and punching Freed, Issei ran over to me to help me up as I looked up at him, Koneko kicked over a stand to reveal a staircase, this must have been where they were keeping Asia, I broke out of Issei's hands and ran down the stairs again, I don't know why but I just had to reach the bottom, I had to see her.. I had to save her!
'Ryuuk, you did something to him didn't you?' Ddraig said as Ryuuk began to cackle, 'nah I just gave him some words of encouragement, him moving.. That's all on his own! This boy's got a solid steel resolve!'

Issei and the others kept following me, I had this look of desperation on my face, "please.. I'll do anything.. Just let her be safe!" Issei stared at me in worry as we reached the bottom of the steps, an entirely separate room much bigger then the church itself, it had cult members.. And that fallen angel.. And.. And Asia! "Asia!" I cried out as all eyes were on me, swords were drawn and the like, I was pretty much in a bear trap as the fallen angel looked right at me, a smirk on her face.

"Well well, looks like #16 finally decided to show up." She was trying to trigger my trauma.. And it was slowly working. "Hiro..?" Asia's eyes met mine as suddenly the fear went away, for a moment it went away, "shut it bitch." The fallen angel, Raynare let loose a swipe that drew some blood from Asia's body, and even tore her clothes leaving her chest bearing out to the crowd.

I could feel the rage slowly building up as guards stood in front of me, "get out... You're in my way..!" It was as if Ryuuk and I's voices became one. I was about to take action when the cultists began chanting, a green light coming off of Asia as she let out an intense scream of pain.

"ASIA!!" I bellowed as the aura around me exploded, knocking back a few people as the green light faded, the light was gone from Asia's eyes, she was...
"Gone..." I whispered as I fell to my knees, explosions were occurring behind us.

"I figured you would be here mah boi." Green hair.. Golden eyes and a large grin were on a very.. Well developed girl who wielded a lance, she charged ahead of me and threw the lance forward, causing a shockwave to occur and send some of the cultists flying. "Now see, while I don't give a shit for the situation, you do. So go on and do your hero thing!" The girl said as fire began to envelop around her, crisping some cultists to a fine.. Well crisp.

Kiba and Koneko ran ahead and also engaged in fights with the cultists, I looked at Issei and ran ahead, running up the long and winded staircase to meet with the fallen angel and Asia who fell from the cross, and right into my arms, I could feel the tears coming back as the fallen angel stared at me, a spear of light in her hands as I slowly raised my head, "you... You BITCH." I didn't scream, I didn't yell, but most importantly, I didn't run, my eyes were orange again as the fallen angel froze for a moment, giving me the chance to jump down the stairs, crumbling and falling to the ground, Asia falling out of my hands as Issei rushed to my side.
"Take her.. And run..!" I whispered as Issei nodded, sure he was worried about me, but the look in my eyes said it all, I wanted to prioritize Asia's safety over mine, he took Asia and ran up the stairs, the fallen angel following him.

I stared right at Koneko, who was handling herself just fine against those cultists but I felt this feeling, there was a cultist coming in from the side, I don't know why I did what I did but I ran in front of Koneko, my hand placed firmly against her chest before I pushed her, hard and away from the incoming cultist, I felt this fury as the orange aura exploded from within me, when it cleared I was wielding two katana's, savage in design and  serrated edge's as I sliced the cultist in half. "Koneko.. Are.. Are you alright?" Koneko had this look of shock on her face as she slowly nodded and stood up, the last of the cultists had died as everyone stared at each other when the green haired girl leapt onto me.

"Mah boiii!" The girl happily said as she touched my side, "yikes! All skin and bones! We definitely gotta get you packing on some meat!" She lightly patted my stomach before grinning, "ooh! That's right, I gotta introduce myself! My name is Merith, and you are Hiro!" I was genuinely shocked that Merith knew my name when something hit me, I had to ask that fallen angel.. Raynare about something! I ran up the stairs as everyone, including Merith followed me.

"Raynare, the fallen angel who has committed countless acts of treachery against devils, I sentence you, to death." Rias's hand began to glow as I shouted, "wait a moment!" Everything stopped as Raynare looked at me, a pissed expression on her face, "I don't need.. Your fucking pity, boy!" I stared right at her as I took a step forward, grabbing her hair and slamming her head into the ground, shocking everybody. "You think I care about giving you pity, I just need to ask a few questions, then you can die for all I care." I rose her head as she coughed up blood, Rias stepping forward to try and stop me when Merith stepped in front of her.

"This is his life, he lives it how he wants to live.'' She said as I stared at Raynare, a pained look on her face. "My first question, why did you help Vernal?" Raynare let out a cough as she began to grin, "a LOT of people wanted to see Diablos come to life, including me boy." I stared at her as I slammed her head against the ground again, a cry escaping her, thankfully Asia wasn't awake during this as I spoke, "second question.. Where are my parents?" Raynare began to chuckle, it was obvious that she wouldn't want to answer anymore questions, "you think you deserve that answer? Moreover.. Do you think you're ready to face him? Tell you what, when you can hold a candle to Vernal, then I'll tell you." She began to laugh as I slammed her head against the ground again, "there. Now you can kill her." Raynare began to scream as suddenly she was turned into dust by Rias, the end of that.
"Well.. Ryuuk does have some influence on his mind, but I think that was 100% Hiro." Issei said as even Ddraig agreed, "it's as if they compliment each other." The group walked with me as the night ended, Issei had Asia in his arms.

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