Reunions of the good and bad kind

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When we returned it was Rias and the rest of her group who met with us, Akeno immediately went over to me and wrapped her arms around my head. "Goodness, when you vanished I was a bit worried, but you came back, like you always do when you vanish." Akeno pulled me in close as my face turned a slight shade of red, I wasn't gonna lie... It felt nice...

Koneko had gotten closer to me, not like Akeno but she was definitely beside me.

"And these three, they must be your new household members, the two bishops and the final knight." Rias spoke softly as Akira and Kanna bowed, but Leon wasn't paying attention.

"Hey, you're gonna get me what I was promised right?" Leon stared at Merith as she rubbed her temples, she nodded slowly before speaking.

"Later, right now we've got some things to do, isn't that right mah boi?" Merith turned to me as I nodded, it was time for classes.

Classes went on as usual, Akira was a second year, just like me and Merith and he was a well behaved person, we didn't need to keep an eye on him.

Leon however... Was a different case, he kept stabbing himself with pencils and he was a senior, which meant that Rias, Akeno and Anne had to keep an eye on him, eventually Anne just got sick of him stabbing himself and just tied him to a chair.

Kanna was a first year, so it fell on Koneko to watch her and like Akira, she was a good person, always quiet but also willing to help out struggling students. Soon the day came to a close.

Everyone was at Issei's home and I gotta admit, the guest room was looking pretty small with everyone crammed in there along with Akeno and Xenovia, and with Anne always acting like a cat and sleeping by the foot of the bed or in my lap despite her outweighing me was a bit hard, thankfully Rias had proposed the concept of renovations and making the rooms bigger.

There was a knock at the door, it was shocking at this late in the night as Issei's mother was the one who answered the door. "Hiro! Could you please come downstairs?" His mother politely asked.

I barely made out her question but I understood and nodded, Anne reluctantly getting out of my lap as I left the room and descended down the stairs.

"There's some people here who would like to see you." Issei's mother spoke again as I couldn't see the people.

"Yeah? What's up?"

"I'm looking for my son, about 5'10, now long brown hair, way too buff to be a teenager... Maybe you've seen him?" A man's voice was heard as something rung in my ear, suddenly the only thing I could hear was the man's voice... He was describing someone... Someone... Like.. Me.

"D..." I got the first letter of a word out of my mouth as Issei's mother moved to the side, recognizing the situation, and the man was in full view.

"I'm looking for you, Hiro. And I found ya."

Whatever sense was in my brain at that moment had left the building and I ran towards the man, practically leaping at and tackling him down into a hug.

"C-crap kid... You've really gotten.. Big... You're.. Crushing.. Me.." The man said as tears began to stream down my face.


That word echoed throughout the house as the sound of a dozen footsteps was heard descending down the stairs like a stampede.

"We finally found you..!" A woman's voice was heard, she too was crying.

"Mom...!" I managed to get out through my sobs.

"Honestly.. I didn't know Hiro was one for crying, usually his reaction to things is to scream and grunt." Issei joked as Rias hushed him, she felt genuinely happy, but also guilty for threatening me back then.

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