Stretching their legs

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Shortly after the match had ended word had spread fast about Ryuuk and I, The Diablos Dragon: Reborn. They changed the title in editing and with usual news getting around, and the focus of said news being right here in the underworld... The press swarmed the arena, specifically the nursing room where I was recovering, they must have had so many questions for me...

"Ms. Gremory! Ms. Gremory!" One of the reporters held a mic to Rias's mouth, as she was the one guarding the door, and the look on her face spelt that she wanted to wipe all of the press out, after all the noise was making it pretty hard for me to sleep.

"Do you think the Diablos Dragon was forced to go all out in the match?" Another reporter spoke which definitely pissed Rias off, enough for her to give a response as she leaned towards the mic.

"I'll say only this, anyone who believes that Hiro was even using a shred of his full power is a fool. I should know because I've seen him go all out, so if I were to be exact... He was using about 5% of his actual power, despite his syncing with Ryuuk." Rias spoke before she Turner away, opening the door and then slamming it shut, the press had gotten the response they needed as they dispersed.

"Goodness..." Rias sighed out as she held her head.

"Is the press gone?" Issei was finally the one to spoke as he looked up at Rias in his usual look when he sees her, one of happiness and willingness to take Rias's problems all away.

"Yes, they can be quite annoying." Rias just smiled, as if pushing her own feelings away. "Let's focus on Hiro though."

Issei nodded as his hand glowed green again.

'I haven't seen something like that in a while.. That glare in Hiro's eyes, it was like he and Ryuuk were one in that moment.' Ddraig spoke as even Rias was shocked, a stunning revelation considering the last wielder of Diablos, Mr. Hiro, couldn't reach that height with Ryuuk.

"How's your head feeling?" Kanna spoke as she placed her fingers on the wounds, a blue aura surrounding each of her fingers as the wounds slowly closed and healed up.

"It's... Feeling better." I spoke as our household surrounded me.

"That was some ass-kicking you dished out." Anne said with a grin as she lightly patted my shoulder, "tomorrow you'll get to see me fight, so look forward to it."

Akira was the second one to place his hand on my shoulder, "as am I.. So keep a close eye on me, alright?" Akira said in a slightly flirtatious tone.

'You felt something, correct Hiro?' It was Celeste who spoke this time, 'the roar of Diablos, your will to win. Those two things merged in that moment to grant your wish, a feat that won't be easy to achieve again less your limits are pushed to the test.'

Luun let out another cackle, 'but man.. That was kick ass! The way you just glared at that Cross kid, you fucked his shit up too with that... Ah what'd you call it..? The Diablos Dropper! Yeah that move! You busted his teeth up real fucking nice.'

Blake was mostly silent, with the occasional careful glance, it was like she didn't have much control over her body, like Luun and Celeste were controlling her body and the only thing Blake could do was speak.

"Is Master okay?" Mitsumi leaned towards me and watched as the wounds closed up.

"Mah boi just needs some rest." Merith lightly pressed my head against her chest, in a lewd but wholesome way.

Rias and her household walked towards me, but it was Akeno who approached first.

"My Hiro, that was quite the fight.. And the way you were glaring... It turned me to putty..." Akeno had a lewd look on her face, like she was imagining me in that state just dominating and doing what I wanted to her. "I hope in a more.. Intimate setting I get to have that wild beast unleashed on me." Akeno sat on the side of my best, her arms wrapped around my neck as she leaned in to do something.

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