The completion of the household

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Blake woke up in the room that Rias had made for her, well she didn't wake up of her own volition, she was awoken by the sounds of Celeste and Luun yelling.

'Wake your ass up! We've got some training to do!' Luun bellowed as Blake looked towards her clock, 4:30 it read...

"At this early in the morning...?" Blake slowly rose from the bed and began to get changed in the clothes that Rias had set out for her.

'If we're gonna beat that Vernal person's ass then we need to train, as there is someone who has the same goal as us, and they're closer to achieving it then we are.' Celeste spoke in a much calmer manner than Luun as Blake looked out the window to see several figures, and what looked to be a training grounds.

"Now!" I yelled as Anne lowered her arms and I jumped into the air, the twin swords in my hands as I began to flip, Blake's eyes transfixed on me from her window.

There was a wooden dummy, emphasis on the 'was' as I soared towards it and split it down the middle.

"Yes mah boi! Now it's mah turn!" Lightning crackled in Merith's fingers as several stones stood in front of her and she let out a yell, throwing her hands forward as the lightning struck the rocks, turning them into pieces.

Anne grinned as her size grew again and sparks crackled around her, she began to hurl boulders straight into the air, waiting for them to land before throwing punches and shattering the boulders.

Mitsumi took a deep breath as ice began to surround her, then it shot forward in a straight line, icicles striking multiple wooden dummies.


'On it!'


My legs began to glow, same with my eyes in the same shade of red as I ran at a high speed, slicing the heads off of multiple dummies before taking a deep breath and panting, my eyes them wandered to Blake's window and I raised my hand, giving her a wave.

'You should go and join them, find allies that share your ideals.. Those girls seem to follow Hiro and Diablos' ideals.' Celeste spoke softly, in less of a bullying tone too.

'Yeah! Let's go wow them!' Luun proudly said as Blake nodded and left the club, walking towards us.

"Damn Hiro, the ladies must love you if they keep flocking to you like this." Anne teased as she lightly slugged my shoulder.

Merith wasn't skeptical about Blake, not like she was with Anne, she wore a soft and welcoming smile, she knew what Blake had been through.

"I... Would like to train, to get stronger if that's OK.." Blake murmured as she kicked up some dust, her eyes were unfocused, lacking any and all care for anything aside from her goal.

I was silent for a moment as I then took a few steps forward, away from everyone and about ten feet across from Blake as I held out my arms.
"Hit me, hit me with all you've got kid."

Blake's eyes widened and even Celeste and Luun were shocked, they a probably thought I was an idiot or something. Which in part was true.
"Um.. What can you guys do?"

'Leave that to us.' Celeste spoke calmly as Blake's left hand began to glow, a golden orb in one hand.

'We'll give him a taste of a true nightmare.' Luun cackled as Blake's right hand began to glow, a blue orb in that hand.

I took a deep breath and let out a yell.

'Demon Mail!' Ryuuk yelled as I was clad in the armor.

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