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Anne was rushed to the infirmary, the same place where I was, she wasn't in any danger but that punch may or may not have knocked some screws loose in her head.

"Are you okay?" Merith asked with some manner of worry as Anne came to, a grin on her face and a thumbs up, "yeah.. Never better." Anne's eyes wandered to mine, "next round. Kick his ass."

She didn't say it but I knew what she had done, she wrapped up the fight and managed to take someone with her, she wanted to make sure Shinji made it to the second round.

Mitsumi walked slowly towards me, then looked at the screen and then Merith, "we are next."

Merith nodded as she stared towards the screen as well, she had an idea of who she was going to fight, and she was prepared for that.

"Irene, Persephone." Evan spoke as his daughter and maid appeared, "don't fuck up like your brother did."

"Yes sir." Persephone spoke like a flat instrument.

"Of course, dad." Irene flashed a wicked grin, she was the spitting image of her father after all.

The next day rolled around rather quickly as Merith and Mitsumi left for the arena, I had fully recovered at this point thanks to Kanna's healing prowess.

"Merith." I spoke as she froze in her steps, her face shifting into a smile, after all her favorite person was finally up and running again.

"Just remember, to do you best and show your family just how great you are."

Those words spun around Merith's head as she flashed a huge grin. "Relax mah boi, I'm gonna pound her into the ground, and maybe later I'll get to have some fun with mah boi?"

I kind of had an idea of what she was talking about so I just showed a smile and gave her a thumbs up and a nod.

Those singular movements drove Merith forward, a new goal in mind aside from beating her sister into the ground, her next goal was to lewd the hell out of her boi.

Merith was happy on the inside but the moment she entered that arena it was like she shut off completely, her emotions that is, she wore a blank stare and a relaxed stance as she walked confidently onto the stage.

"Now entering the arena is the king of the Odachi Household... Merith... Odachi?" The announcer was puzzled, even he knew her real name was Cross, heck he even wrote it down, but it seems that Merith must have done something to alter the cards.

This revelation was rubbing salt in the wound of the Cross family, with this single declaration of a last name change, Merith had completely cut ties with her former family.

Irene's cocky grin vanished, and in its place was a look of pure anger, because how dare the younger sister that she abused cut ties with their family? No to Irene Merith must be made an example out, to show what would happen should someone decide to attempt no contact with the Cross family.

"And the Pawn of the Odachi Household.. Mitsumi!... Man there are a lot of people in this household with no last name..." The announcer mumbled the last part.

Mitsumi walked onto the arena with a blank stare, "if it is for my master.. I will freeze hell if need be."

Merith snickered at that comment as the two of them stared at the Cross entry area.

"Up next is the second Bishop of the Cross Household... Irene Cross!"

Irene walked slowly to the arena, waving her hands and greeting her 'fans' basically people who wanted to get in her pants, something she probably would oblige to since.. She's a succubus and they feed off of sexual energy to get stronger.

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