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"Man, I'm definitely posting this on the gram!" Sidney exclaimed after reviewing the previous picture we took in his yard

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"Man, I'm definitely posting this on the gram!" Sidney exclaimed after reviewing the previous picture we took in his yard. I had been at this party for about 20 minutes and was lowkey ready to dip; not that the atmosphere wasn't fun, but my social meter was already being tested.

"Glad it turned out nice.." I spoke softly.

"Definitely, I mean you're a beautiful girl anyway so I had no doubt it would look bad." I hid my cheeky smile and felt a ton of butterflies when he draped his arm around me. "You wanna grab a drink or something?"

"What kind of drink?" He kept quiet till we made it to the kitchen. "Something harmless.." Reaching into the fridge, he grabbed two bottles of Raspberry Twisted Tea and placed one in my hand.

"..Thanks." I replied. I didn't want to seem un-cool and turn down the alcoholic beverage, so I decided that if I sipped slowly, the effect wouldn't be as bad.

"These are definitely my favorite. The give you a small buzz, but nothing like hard liquor."

"You drink often?" I questioned; Sidney was only 17 and almost a high school senior, so I knew his lifestyle was definitely different than mine.

"Eh, only in a social setting. I know drinking may or may not be your thing, so if you want to stop drinking or throw it out, I totally understand .. just thought you could use something to unwind."

"Yeah no big deal, I'm fine." Way to lie Aaliyah ..

We then journeyed to his den area, adjacent to the crowded living room, to talk in a more private setting.

"So isn't like your mom the best doctor or something?" He asked.

I let a small laugh, "Yeah, she's kind of a big deal."

"I think she did my grandpa's surgery .. smart lady she is."

"I agree."

"And even a smart daughter to match."

"Thank you?" I voiced in a questionable tone.

Sidney laughed and excused himself, "I didn't mean it like that, it's just, you're pretty, smart, and even better than me on the court. That's a total package right there."

"You are flirting so hard right now .."

"Damn, it's that obvious?" We laughed loudly and continue to spark more interesting conversation. Beside him being in basketball, he also told me that he plays some football and an was an overall sports man. He's the only child, like myself, but spends most of his time alone because both of his parents are always traveling for work. Not to say same, but, same.

"So what do you do during your alone time?"

He shrugged his shoulders, "Play Madden or either Call of Duty with the boys. I assume you spend most of your alone time with Rue?"

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