42.You Go To One Of His Concerts

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An: Wtf? What is life! Sorry guys for not updating but is it true that David left Im5?! If so would you rather have me bring Dalton and David into the preferences or leave them out? But hope you guys had cool Thanksgiving.

Peace and anywho on to the preference!

C O L E: Cole would be halfway through a song when he saw you. He wouldn’t show any signs of surprise, just sending you a grin and finishing his part. When it was his time to sing again, he would stroll across the stage and pull you up with him, smirk gracing his features.

W I L L: Will wouldn’t notice you at first, and during the choreography he would see you, almost tripping. Cole would steady him, but he would just keep stumbling nervously, trying not to mess up in front of you. You blow him a kiss, and he smiles, all nervousness gone.

G A B E: Gabe would immediately stop singing and yell for the crowd to hear. You’d blush as all the attention turned to you, but then the screams would start up again. The crowd would scream your ship name furiously, and Gabe would sing to you for the rest of the concert.

D A V I D: David wouldn’t really know what to do. He’d mouth a few things to you, but was afraid of embarrassing himself and you. The crowd would eventually notice, and he’d send you dazzling smiles every so often, making sure you knew he remembered you were there.

D A N A: Dana wouldn’t even wait for the song to end, and would jump off the low edge of the stage, heading straight towards you. You’d whisper that he was missing his part and that the concert had to go on as he leaned his forehead against yours. He’d finally grin and jump back on stage, winking at you from then on.

D A L T O N: Dalton would be jumping around stage during a particularly fast paced song, and would almost trip off stage and into you. He’d laugh like he hadn’t just tripped, and would pull you onstage with him. You’d dance and sing stupidly together, the rest of the band laughing in the background.

Ct: i-write-boybands-not-tragedies

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