49. Your Interrupted

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Dana- He tugs on your belt loops, bringing your body as close to his as possible. You sigh into his mouth as his hands wrap firmly around your waist. You push his cap off and he doesn't complain as you run your hands through his curls. His hands move to your hips and he pulls you down with him as he sits on the couch. This position puts you higher and you smile as you lean down to kiss him again. His hands switch from toying with your waist band to drawing soft circles on your exposed back with his fingertips. You flick your tongue out to touch his lips but quickly pull it away. He narrows his eyes before he connects your lips again. You flick your tongue out but once again pull away when he tries to deepen the kiss. "Tease." He mutters before grabbing you by your neck and crushing his lips to yours, giving you no chance to pull away, not that you'd want to. He finally deepens the kiss and you moan. Just as his hands dip into the waistband of your shorts the door slams open and he jumps, causing you to fall on the floor. The guys laugh as they walk in and see what they interrupted. "You guys are gonna get it." Dana threatens. "Pshh, whatever. We're not scared of you." Dalton smirks. You stand up, furious, and glare at the boys. "You guys are dead." Their smiles drop and Cole swallows nervously. "Now her, we're scared of."
Gabe- He pulls away from your lips and sighs as you run your hands through his hair. "I'm the luckiest guy." You smile as you pull his head back down. You're sitting on his lap as you watch a movie, well you had been watching the movie, Gabe was a little..... distracting. You tug on his bottom lip with your teeth and he weaves his hand into your hair, pulling your head back for a better angle. His fingers are finally finding their way up your shirt when he pulls away. "Ow!" "What?" You ask in confusion. "What did I do?" He rubs his head and looks around. "Nothing. It was nothing." You don't protest when he pulls you back in for a kiss. His hands are creeping higher when something hits you in the head. "Ow!" Gabe pulls away. "You're feeling it too?" He questions, but before you can answer Dalton and Cole pop up from behind the couch across from you and start throwing things at y'all. You fall off Gabe's lap as he jumps across the couch and crashes into the guys, taking them both to the ground. You can't help but laugh as you hear the sounds of fighting and cries of "Ow!" "Let me go!" and "Stop pulling my hair!"
Cole- You whisper his name as he attacks your neck with kisses, nipping your skin every now and then. "Cole, Dana will be here any second." You protest, at the same time tilting your head so he has better access. "Mhmm." He mumbles against your skin. With a groan you grab his head and pull his mouth to yours. He smiles into the kiss as he leans forward, forcing you back on the couch. His hands roam your sides as you make out, stopping every once in a while to tug at the hem of your shirt. He starts to slowly push it up so he can feel your hips when the two of you are suddenly drenched in water. You scream and sputter as you quickly sit up, Cole doing the same. You look up to see Dana holding an empty water bottle, smiling cheekily. "You two looked like you needed to........ cool off." He starts laughing uncontrollably and Cole glares. "You're a dead man Vaughns."
Dalton- His hands find their way to the waistband of your shorts and he yanks you closer. You gasp for air as he finally releases your lips, his mouth traveling down your neck. When he lightly nips your skin you entangle your hands in his hair and pull his mouth back to yours. A gasp catches in your throat as one of his hands runs lightly down your leg, grabbing and hoisting it around his hip. You release your hold on his hair and pull at his shirt. Just as your fingers touch his skin the door opens and the two of you freeze. "Cole!" You yell in surprise as you push Dalton away. Cole laughs and drops onto the couch as Dalton starts to bang his head against the wall. "Worst. Timing. Ever."
Will- His fingers trace patterns on your back as he kisses you. You mumble his name and he pulls away, resting his forehead against yours. "The boys will be back soon." He whispers and you nod. "I don't want them to walk in on anything." You nod again but pull his lips back to yours. With a groan he kisses you harder, letting his arms wrap around your waist and pulling you as close as possible. Your hands immediately go to his neck and you play with his hair, lightly tugging. He bites your bottom lip and when you gasp he takes advantage of your open mouth. One of his hands has just found its way inside your shirt to the small of your back when you hear a click. Both of you pull apart and turn to see the boys laughing in the doorway and Dana taking a picture. "I'm gonna kill you." You say as your eyes narrow. "No." Will stops you. "I'm the black belt, I'm gonna kill them." All four sets of eyes widen and the guys take off down the hall, Will right on their heels.

All credit goes to://http://im5fangirl.tumblr.com/im5fangirlspreferences

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