6. He Cheats

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Cole- Today you and your boyfriend Cole were spending the day at his house. You were just watching movies and stuff like that. You both were cuddled up together on the couch. You loved days like this. You had lost intrest in the movie you were watching since you had seen it a million times, but it was one of Cole’s favorite so he was still watching it. You had Cole’s phone, playing around with it. Then he got a notification that he had a a new text message. You were about to hand the phone to Cole, not wanting to snoop, or anything. But Cole handed you the phone. “You can read it.” You opened the text. You didn’t say anything you just read it over and over. Making sure you were seeing what you thought. “Who was it?” Cole asked. You removed Cole’s arms around your waist, and sat up. You threw the phone at him. “Who is she? And why is she asking if your ‘date’ is still on for tonight?” You asked. Cole looked like he was panicing to come up with something to say. He was just staying silent. “Answer me! Are you cheating on me?” You asked. You knew the answer, but you didn’t want to believe it. “Yeah.” Cole mumbled under his breathe. You wiped your eyes, tears starting to fall. They were a mixture of sad and angry tears. “Wow Cole. I didn’t you know you’re that pathetic!” You said but more so shouted. You were walking towards the door. “I’m not Pathetic. Just wait Y/N. I’m sorry.” Cole said, but you didn’t want to hear it. You just left, not thinking twice about it.

David- You were spending the day with David at his house. You weren’t doing much, because at last minute you had to finish a report for school. So David said you could come over and use his lap top. At least that way you would be together. You of course were finishing up your report. Editing things here and there. Meanwhile David was watching random movies that were playing on the TV. He had gotten up to go to the kitchen to get something to eat and drink. While you were typing up your report, you were interrupted by a Skype call. You thought it might be important, plus you would use any excuse to take a break from your paper. You accepted the call. You were waiting for it to connect the call. Moments later the other person appeared on the screen. To your surprise you saw a girl on the screen. “Uhm who are you?” The girl asked. “I was wondering the same thing. Who are you?” “I’m Callie. (If that’s your name, just mentally change it) David’s girlfriend. So why are you at my boyfriends house?” The girl said very rudely. You had instant hatred for her. “Boyfriend? Uh no. I don’t think so. He’s my boyfriend.” You said. The girl stayed silent. “Y/N. Babe? Who are you talking to?” David asked. “I don’t know. You tell me.” You said. You laid the lap top on the coffee table. You got up to meet David, walking into the living room. “So who is she?” You asked pointing to lap top. “It’s this girl. Callie. Y/N, I swear she doesn’t mean anything to me. I just-..” You cut him off. “Save it. I don’t need your reasoning or excuses. But don’t ever talk to me again!” You said, trying to stop the tears. David was begging you to stay, but you didn’t listen. You left, not looking back.

Dana- You were getting ready for the date that you and Dana had planned. You were applying the last touches to your make up, when your phone started to ring. You looked down, to see your best friend calling. You answered and put it on speaker, while still finishing your make up and hair. “Hello?” “Y/N. Oh my gosh! I have to tell you something. But you understand that I’m telling you this, and I’m here for you.” “Okay? Tell me.” You said, unsure of what was about to be said. “I just saw Dana with Sydney. (If that’s your name, just mentally change it) They were all over each other. They were kissing and holding hands.” 

You heard your friend say these things. You knew she wouldn’t lie to you. Especially about something like this. You believed her, you just didn’t know Dana was capable of something like this. “My Dana?” You asked. You could hear the sadness in your voice. “Yeah. You’re Dana, and apparently you aren’t the only girl he’s with.” You sighed. A few tears slipped. You quickly wiped them away though. “I have to go. I guess I’ll see what he has to say about this.” You hung up the phone. Thankfully your hair and make up was complete, even though you really didn’t care at this point. 

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