24. Cute Couple Moment Behind The Scenes Of A Music Video

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The boys were filming a new music video at the beach, and Cole invited you to tag along, because lets be real, he just wanted to spend more time with you. While he waiting for the rest of the guys to finish up with wardrobe you two started to goof off, and it was caught by Jill who was filming some behind the scenes footage.


It had been almost 5 hours since the band had started filming their latest music video, and to say that you were bored was an understatement. Sure, you loved watching your boyfriend David do his thing, but siting in a chair for 5 hours was not how you wanted to spend your day. As they finished up the last group take David glanced over at you, and sighed, before walking your was, "You okay, babe?" he asked, wrapping his arms around your body."I'm good, just a little bored I guess." you said softly, earning a nod from him, "Come here.." he muttered, taking your hand in his, as he began twirling and dancing with you, forgetting that the cameras were around.


You were so excited. It had been almost a month since the last time you'd seen your boyfriend, Will Jay since he was on tour and doing a lot of publicity for his bands up and coming album. You were walking down the beach towards IM5's lastest music video shoot, and no one knew you were coming except for Jill who arranged for you to come down and surprise Will, since everyone knew he was missing you. Once you got close enough that you could see the guys you couldn't control yourself, and you started running full speed towards your handsome man, "WILLLLLL!" you called out, earning a confused look which quickly turned into a huge smile, "Y/NNNN" he called right back, picking you up in his arms, spinning you around.


It was almost 11 o'clock at night and they guys had just finished filming their music video, and finally it was time for them to relax.Once Dana changed back into his street clothes, he ran out the dressing room trailer, and outside trying to find you. As he was looking he saw a little fire going, and knew that you weren't too far away. He quickly made his way over to you, and sat down beside you, wrapping his Letterman jacket around you, before kissing your head. This was definitely the best way to end the day.


It was a normal day. You were laying out by the beach, while your boyfriend was busy with his band filming a video for their latest single. The director called cut, and Gabe smirked over at you, who had her eyes closed, soaking up the sun. He quietly ran over to you and leaned over you, almost giving you a heart attack, "Gabbeeee Holy shit."you screamed, making him laugh. "Come on babe, I just wanted a kiss."


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