18. You Visit The Boys On The Set Of #Band Camp

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Your bags were in the trunk of the taxi as the car made it down the street to Todrick's house. He had called you to see if you could surprise the guys on set. Once you had paid and tipped the driver, you walk up the steps, placing your bags on the ground, and ring the doorbell. Chester answers the door in his Wilfred persona. He lets you in and drops his character and hugs you.
You can hear the guys going through a scene in the kitchen and your heart flutters. It had been three months since you had actually seen Cole in person.
Tiptoeing, you walk to the doorway where Todrick spots you and makes eye contact. You put a finger to your lips as you walk up behind Cole. Once you are almost on top of him, you wrap your arms around his waist and rest your head against his back, causing him to jump and turn his head.
"Y/N!" He exclaims, the others echoing. Your engulfed in a huge hug and you smile, knowing you are finally with your boys again.


Dana's parents were going to go visit the guys on the set of Band Camp, and they asked you if you wanted to tag along. Dana had known that his parents were coming, but you were a surprise.
"Love you too son. Oh, and we have a surprise for you," his father says into the phone as he smiles at you in the rear view mirror. Your heart races as you think if the boy you love.
The car ride seemed like it took forever, but once you pulled up to Todrick's house, you feel like time is going by fast. Dana was sitting on the steps and looking at his phone, but looked up as he heard the car. He saw his parents in the front, but thankfully he hadn't seen you yet. Your phone buzzes with a text from him.
' Wish you were here :'( '
His parents get out and greet him. Once they have their bags, his mom makes a motion to the back seat. As he walks toward your door, your face is aching from smiling.
When he opens the door, his jaw drops and immediately he takes you into a hug. You sit with him for what seemed like hours when you hear the silly conversation of four teenage boys walk out of the house towards the car.
"Y/N!" Cole shrieks. Gabe comes sprinting towards you and shoves Dana out of the way, pulling you into a mass of boys.


You were sitting behind the cameras at Todrick's house, tears streaming from your eyes, your tummy aching from laughing so hard. You had to be silent, but watching the guys was priceless.
Todrick called five, and the boys all relaxed and turned on some music. David strutted up to you, looking quite ridiculous in the costume they had him in. "Would you like to dance, m'lady?" He tipped his hat and donning the most ridiculous accent.
You accepted his hand and twirled around with him. Before you knew it, the other guys had paired up with each other and were mocking you, Cole and Will square dancing, Gabe and Dana twerking. Suddenly, the music was cut off, and Korey walked in with Todrick. Todrick's face was stony, lips pursed and shaking his head
"Did I saw y'all could stop?" He broken into a smile and started the music again, joining the dance part that had started.
David pulled you close and winked. You blushed and got on your tiptoes to kiss him on the cheek.


This week, the boys were "getting jobs" for Band Camp. Your eyes lit up when Gabe walked out of your bathroom with a red polo shirt and work pants. Snickering, you made note if the way he had hastily tucked the shirt into the pants.
"Ha ha very funny." He rolled his eyes. You both walked out of the room and got in the car with some of the other guys. Once arriving on location, you were prepped for a small cameo and given an order to memorize.
Once your boyfriend was situated behind the counter of this burger place, the cameras started to roll. Your cue was coming up, so you gathered yourself and walked up to Gabe.
Placing your order, you wink at him, making the edges of his mouth turn up. After a long day, you all eat at the restaurant, and Gabe splits a milkshake with you.


You woke up with a text from Will, saying 'hi sweetie! We're filming at Todrick's today! Love you '
Little did he know that you were visiting your aunt that lived down the road from Todrick. You got up and started getting ready, excited that you were going to to surprise Will. Wearing a shirt he got you for your birthday, you tell your aunt where your going.
Walking up the drive way where Todrick lived, you saw Will coming down towards you, absorbed in his phone, oblivious to you. When he was barely three feet from you, you clear your throat, causing him to jerk his head up.
His eyes widen as he hugs you. After nearly squeezing you to death, he tells you to jump on his back and run you to the house, down the halls, and to where the guys were. The all hug you and once the commotion calms down, Todrick speaks up.
"So I'm guessing you didn't bring the trash bins back up." He says smiling at Will.


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