51. Fight

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An: Hey guys please don't forget to go check out my other books. Thanks for the 100k!!😱😄

Ever since you and Cole went public with your relationship, it's been almost impossible to go on the internet without seeing some negative comment. You thought the fans would be supportive of your relationship, since they claim to love the boys so much, but it's been the polar opposite instead.
You wouldn't have expected it, but on top of that, you and Cole fight about it all the time. You met at the Avalon, and Cole's passion just struck a chord with you. You thought he would be just as passionate with your relationship, but he hasn't.
"Why do you always do this?!" Cole raises his voice at you, angry and hurt.
"Do what, Cole?!" you yell right back.
"You don't show any respect to my fans!"
It hits you like a bullet and you draw back, your voice dropping to a murmur, "They don't show any respect for us."
His jaw goes slack and he looks down at his feet.
You continue, "They say that they love you so much and that they respect you, but they obviously don't. They don't support you when it comes to our relationship, not at all." You can feel your body shaking from all the pent up emotion and it takes everything you have not to break and cry right then and there.
"I'm sorry," he whispers.
But you just shake your head and hold the door open for him as he walks out. He looks back over his shoulder, but you've already closed the door.

You're walking down the hallway with your boyfriend of over a year, Dalton. It's been difficult lately. You've been working a lot and there hasn't been much time for your relationship. He doesn't understand, but it's only because you've been far too afraid to tell him the whole truth. You met one night when you were waiting tables and he couldn't keep his eyes off you. There was just a connection that night and now you're together.
But a relationship is far from the wonderland you dreamed it would be. Instead, it's been more like crossing through a field of thorns. He's so close, but you feel miles away from his heart.
You two reach the school courtyard, and there's almost no one around you now.
He turns to you, his expression something you don't recognize. "How come you never have time for me anymore?"
You sigh, "Dalton, you know that I have to wor-"
"'You have to work,'" he hisses, "I know, I've heard it a thousand times."
You're hurt, "You don't have to be like that."
He gives you a look, almost like a glare, "You never make time for me, everything's always about your job."
You don't say anything, biting your lip instead.
He puts his hands on your shoulders and turns you to face him, his expression livid, "Are you seeing someone else?!"
"No." You knew he'd think that.
"It's just that," you pause not sure if you should tell that, "I need the money."
"What? Why would you-"
"I never told you this, but I have to pay my own bills and support myself."
His face softens, "I'm sorry I..."
You just shake your head.

It's been a while since your last date with your boyfriend, Dana. He's coming over tonight and the two of you are going to have a relaxing night in, watching films and eating popcorn. You think back to the first time you met, how he walked into your history class, lost and helpless. Since then, he's made lots of friends and has become comfortable at school.
You put your hair up in a ponytail and slip into a tee shirt and sweatpants just as the doorbell rings. You smile to yourself, and yell, "Coming!" as you run down to get the door.
You look through the peephole and immediately recognize Dana. You swing the door open and grin, "Hey, what kind of..." your voice trails off when you see the look of utter distress on his face. "Dana, what's wrong?"
He looks up at you, his eyes both tired and regretful.
"Um, do you wanna come in?"
He shakes his head. "I can't. There's something I need to tell you."
Your lower lip trembles with possibilities and you don't know what to do.
He shuts his eyes and takes a deep breath. "I kissed someone else."
Everything goes silent and the only sounds are that of your own breathing and the slow thumping of your heart in your chest. "What?"
He glances up at you then lowers his head an holds it in his hands. "It was a mistake."
"'A mistake'? you kiss someone else and then tell me 'it was a mistake'?!"
"I'm sorry!"
"Well, I would hope so!"
He raises his voice, "Why are you getting like this?"
"Because you cheated on me!"
He doesn't say anything, just looks at you.
You shake your head, "Just go."

Today, your boyfriend, Gabe, is taking you to the beach. You've been together for over a year and you met at the beach. You were supposed to go last weekend, but he cancelled, and the week before that, and the week before that. But this time it will be different, you can just feel that he won't cancel this time.
You slip into your bathing suit and put your hair up in a messy bun, he'll be here in twenty minutes. You twist open a bottle of sunscreen and start applying.
When you finish that, you check your watch, he's supposed to be here in five minutes. You go downstairs, and sit on the step next to the front door to wait. He'll be here any minute, you tell yourself.
Time passes and he was supposed to pick you up twenty minutes ago. He's probably just running a little late. Forty minutes. You check your phone, he hasn't called, texted, or anything. He would tell you if he was running late, right? You dial his number and hope for the best. Instead, it goes to voicemail. He stood me up.
Tears sting your eyes, he's hours late. He's never coming. You were right, he didn't cancel, but he didn't show up either. You've called him ten times, and nothing.
You change and shower, sitting on your bed and staring at the clock, it's past nine. He finally calls, "Hey, you called?"
Your anger boils, "Yeah, you never showed up," you snap.
There's silence for a moment, "I forgot, I'm so sorry."
"You forgot?! How can you just forget?"
"Calm down!"
You start crying, "Don't tell me to calm down, you cancelled our last three dates and then you stood me up for this one! It's not okay, Gabe!"
The line clicks and goes dead.

You sit on your bed, remembering when you first met Will, the song you were singing. And in this past year, you've grown to know each other and to love each other. But that doesn't mean it's always been easy. You hate to admit it, but you get a little jealous of his fans. They see him more than you do, and it seems silly, but sometimes you feel like they get more attention from him than you do.
You look out your window and see Will standing on the sidewalk, a group of fans around him. you smile a bit, it's good to know that they really like him, but your smile slips when you see him kissing one of the girls on the cheek. You sigh heavily and move away from the window. Every time you see him hug or kiss a fan, it stings. And it's not so much because you're jealous, but more so because you feel like he doesn't think you're special. He doesn't put you above the fans, and that can hurt.
You open the door for him and he steps in, grinning, "Hey."
"Hi," you're trying as hard as you can to hide your feelings.
His expression changes, "What's wrong?"
"Iwishyouwouldn'tkissyourfanslikethat," you mumble.
"I said, 'I wish you wouldn't kiss your fans like that'!" You're surprised by your angry tone.
He's taken aback, "They're fans, okay, I have to!"
"No, you don't!"
"What, you want me to tell them, 'no'?!"
"Yes, I do!" Hot, angry tears star streaming down your face, "I'm your girlfriend, Will. Doesn't that mean anything to you?"
"I can't believe it."
"Neither can I."
"You don't underst-"
"Just leave!" You lower your voice, "Just go, Will."
And he does.


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