16. He Finds Out You Can Sing

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"Now I've got you in my space, I want it all with you. Got you shackled in my embrace, I'm latching onto you." You sing as you step out of the shower, grabbing your towel and wrapping it around you. You snatch your dirty clothes off the wet floor and exit your bathroom. Cole.He's just sitting there. Loooking absolutely astounded.

"You never told me you could sing..." He says seeming to be ignoring the fact that all you are wearing is a towel. "Freaking Christ, Cole." You say reaching for some clean underwear, trying to ignore his comment. How long had he been sitting there. "Why didn't you tell me you could sing?" He says his eyebrows raised, still surprised. You roll your eyes. "Because I can't." Cole's eyes widen he stares at you as if you have an arm growing out of your head."Are you kidding? Babe, that was ...magnificent."

"Whatever you say, Cole."


You were at home, waiting for Dana to pick you up so you guys could go hang out. "Oh won't you stay with me, 'cause you're all I need, this ain't love its clear to see. But won't you stay with me..." You belt the ending lyrics at the top your lungs. Its good because you have your headphones turned all the way up so you can't hear how horrible you must sound. But when you check the time you see that Dana should be there any minute. You pull off your headphones so they rest on your neck. You glance at your bed, expecting your purse to be there, but to your dismay, its not. You turn around frantically."Looking for this?" Says someone at your doorway. You look up.

Dana. Of course.

He throws you your purse. "I heard you singing." He says with a smirk. You roll your eyes. "Go ahead, laugh." you say shrugging on your jacket. Dana suddenly seems very confused about the whole ordeal."Yeah I don't think we're on the same page. Why would I laugh ?" He replies leaning his shoulder against the frame of your door. What?

"Because I sounded like a cat being shot at?" you say, your face saying 'duh'. Dana laughs at this."Yeah we are definitely not on the same page because you're amazing." He says furrowing his eyebrows. You laugh.

"Yeah we're not even in the same book."


"Ugh!" David exclaims in exasperation. You look up from your computer, you'd been doing your homework while David choreographed to Radioactive by Imagine Dragons."Whats wrong?" You ask. David is leaning over his speakers. He gives you a sideways glance.

"My phone just died. And I have to finish this dance tonight." He says. You, of course don't have the song on your phone and there's no wifi in the studio.

"I wish I could sing, 'cause then I'd just sing the lyrics for you." You say to sympathize. David looks up at you, eyes wide as if he's had an epiphany

"Okay, baby, I'm almost done with this dance. So just sing from the part I left off at." He says running back to where he'd been dancing. At first you laugh, thinking he must be joking. But he looks at you expectantly."Oh, David, no. I'm a horrible singer." "And I really don't care. I need to finish this, so sing." You raise your eyebrow at his tone. He breathes out of his nose. "Please sing." You roll your eyes. "Fine, but don't blame me if your eardrums break." He just stands there waiting for you to start. "I'm waking up, I feel it in my bones. Enough to make my systems blow. Welcome to the new age, to the new age-" David suddenly stops dancing, staring at you.

"I thought you said you were horrible?" He says looking extremely surprised.

You furrow your eyebrows. "Um, yeah. I am horrible." David shakes his head with a smirk. "Babe,if that was horrible singing then I'm Michael Jackson."


"Gabe just try on the glasses." You say pushing a pair of Hollywood circular lens glasses at him. He pushes them away. "No."

"Try them on."


"I'll give you a kiss."

"Okay, I'll try them on."He says taking them from you."But, you gotta give me a beat." You shake your head."Gabe, you know I can't beatbox." "Okay, then sing."

"And you know I can't sing." "Well, actually," he replies. "I don't. You never sing." He says, his expression peering with curiousity.

You look at him like an idiot. "Yeah, and there's a reason for that." He shrugs. "No song, no glasses." "Fine, fine. You big baby. I'll sing." you say giving up. He puts the glasses on, and as you expected they look amazing on him. He raises his eyebrows, ready to strut across the store. That gives you an idea. "You gotta strut like you mean it, free your mind its not enough just to dream it-" Gabe halts mid-swagger.

"Aside from the fact that you just sang Cheetah Girls, that was really good. " He says, sounding a little surprised.

"Chill out, and go buy your stupid glasses."


You were at Will's house, doing nothing in particular. He had been on twitter the whole time. You scanned his room out of boredom. You'd been in here about a million times and it was almost exactly the same everytime. Except now there was a large pink flower on his desk. You stared at it for a minute. It most definitely was not a rose. "Its called an Old Warty. Alex gave it to me as a joke." Will says, noticing you looking at it.

"How is it so big already?" "Oh, I read somewhere that the sound of your voice helps them grow faster. So I sing to it everyday." "And it works?" You say in disbelief. "Um, obviously. You should try." He says supportively. You laugh. "If I sang to your plant it would die." He shrugs. "Just try it." You were hesitant, you didn't think too fondly of your voice. And you certainly didn't want Critical Will to hear it and tell you how flat your G was or something. Will notices your reluctance. " I wouldn't tease you about it. Just sing." He says with a sweet smile.You shrug. "Here goes nothing." You already had a song in mind. "I don't have money on mind, money on my mind, I do it for, I do it for the love. Money on my-" "Whoa." Will says his expression confused and happily surprised. You furrow your eyebrows. "Your voice is..enthralling." He says with a smile.

"You're a dork."

Ct:// http://bandswithboysimagines.tumblr.com/post/91422327335/preference-5-im5-he-finds-out-you-can-sing

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