10.A change of heart

Start from the beginning

Irene turns around to face him.

She asks, "What did you, no, I don't want to know about it."

Irene releases herself from him.

"Irene," calls him.

"I have to go. My class would start soon."

Irene stares to Jin's back when she whispers, "I deserve a better man."

Mingyu scratches his head. Something is wrong with Irene. She's usually timid. She never kept her distance like this.

She would be an excellent wife for him. He could have lovers outside their home. She would keep a blind eye just like she does everyday here.

Mingyu shrugs his shoulders. He smiles to the women around him. Life is too short. No man should be foolish enough to share a lifetime to a woman. He could be bored to death.


Jin is walking home when a large water balloon is dropped to his head. The impact crushes it and the water splashes to his whole body. His clothes and bag got wet instantly.

More water balloons fall on him.

He stares upward. Few male students are clapping hands, mocking him.

Jin smiles widely. He bows as if he has done one amazing performance. He laughs heartily, making his bullies confused.

Jin is still laughing when he is leaving that spot.

Jungkook chases him. He has seen the whole incident from quite a distance.

"Jin! I mean Hyung! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. It's a hot day. Now they gave me water to cool off."

When nobody is around them anymore, Jin stops walking abruptly. He punches a tree in his rage. Jungkook jumps out of shock.

"They think I'm an easy prey. Well, let's see about it."

Jungkook asks, "Are we going to retaliate them? I got all the ammos, Hyung. Itch powder. Sneeze powder. Fart pillow. Anything crossed your mind, I have it."

Jin squints his eyes.

He asks, "How many times you have used them?"

"Err, none. It's for collection only," replies him.

He gives his best innocent face

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He gives his best innocent face. RM has said Jungkookie is lying when he looks most innocent.

Jin straightens his shirt. Water is splashing whenever he walks. Jungkook follows him. Jin is grumbling when he is heading home.

"Tomato. Carrot. Potato..."

It sounds like he is rapping a list of veggies.

Jungkook asks, "Are you making a grocery list?"

Jin stops walking.

He confesses, "I'm trying to curse with proper words for your delicate ears."

"Honestly, I'm not that innocent. Suga added my curse vocab everyday."

"I need to have a serious talk to him."

Jin walks faster, still rapping the veggies.

"No wait! Don't scold Suga! He would kill me!" pleads Jungkook.

He is a fast runner. He easily catches up with Jin.

"Don't bother me. I'm so angry. I could hit someone," warns Jin.

Jungkook stops follow him.

Jin walks alone. He changes his course. He goes to a garden behind the Campus ground. He sighs. He is staring to Mt. Bukhansan.

Suddenly he hears, "Gosh! You're wet! What happened to you?"

Irene looks worried.

"I fell into a pool," replies Jin.

He walks away. He doesn't want to see pity in her beautiful eyes.

Irene says, "I'm leaving him."

Jin stops walking.

"You are right. I deserve a better man. Someone who would treat me with more respect."

"Good for you."

That's the only thing Jin says before he leaves that spot.

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Irene finally decides to leave Mingyu.
Shall we celebrate?

Maybe not. It's the first day Jin got bullied in Campus

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