The bois (and ghorl) as normal high school students

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His records mostly consists cutting classes, being late, and punching a guys nose after he took a picture of a girl's behind while she bent down to pick her book up, and once talked back to a teacher to correct him that the thing on the book was wrong.

He is actually great in class, but quite the slow learner. But he is trying his best! He is often being tutored by Hari and it helps him a lot.

He loves science (biology) and English and hates physics. He likes English so much he might consider being an English teacher—!

(*Cough* definitely not a call back to Shiee Hassaikai as teachers *coughing fit ensues*)


School jock and the rapper (Rappa—!) for the Shiee Hassaikai band. He is that one jock kid that no one will mess with because he is strong and extremely fast and quite the one to look for physical combat to maybe spar with to look for that one worthy one that's worthy to be his rival. He is also the rapper for the band in school and with his incredible breathe support, he does manage to deliver lines well.

He will ask you to fight him, or have a free style rap battle with him. Either way, it works!

His school records consists a few tardiness, a few skipping classes, maybe a fight or two, talking back to a teacher, and absents.

He loves PE and will make the best of it. Like, he it is the best subject for him especially if it requires sparring. He hates history, English, math and science.


Teacher's pet is his trope and oh boi. As stated in his title, yeah he is a teacher's pet. Very uptight, honest, and hates liars. Considers to run as a student council president. He also a part of the Shiee Hassaikai band to boost his grades and to add an extra curricular to his academics, but found himself enjoying band, where he played as the main bassist.

He is that type of seatmate who sits straight, his pen organized in his bag, complete set of sheets of paper, the one who recites all the time and reminds the teacher about homework.

His records as clean. Just— what did you expected?

He loves all his classes and often takes notes and is willing to tutor those who are in need of learning because 'I am a model student that should be the best examples for students'


The depressed kid in band as a drummer. He is silent, mistaken as shy and always stood by the sidelines to watch other students enjoy things. As the main drummer in band, he doesn't seem to be his usually self. As the drummer, he is extremely energetic and lively that girls and boys swooned for... But he gets too wary to people who takes interest in him because of what happened to him.

He is the type who'll sneak food in class and will listen to music during class and doodle on his notes. He is seemingly impossible to approach, but once you find the courage and right time to approach him, go for it. He's a great kid with a good sense of humour and just wants hugs and friends and needs a break. Don't expect him to trust you immediately though, he is extremely wary but he is willing to entertain.

His records consists talking back to a teacher who gave his fellow female classmate an unnecessary card for dress codes, occasionally being late and skipping classes.

He likes Art class and music class, with a little bit of history and English.


The edgy kid that everyone thinks of him as a school shooter. He is also a gamer and a huge geek for anime and comics (DC and Marvel). Everyone often stayed away from him because they were scared of him and often poked fun at him that he might hum "Pumped up kicks" during class and shoot the students. Uhm, first of all— leave my bb Tomura in peace.

He is very silent and often liked being the wallflower instead of associating himself with others who just pokes fun at him. As much as he wants to join them, he can't because everyone believes he is just a ticking time bomb ready to explode and kill everyone.

He suffers from low self-esteem and lack of confidence, and will just prefer to be alone to avoid being hurt.

His records are quite clean, I mean he has occasional tardiness, maybe skipped a class or two, and maybe picked up a fight with other students (he just defended himself)

His favourite subjects are liberal arts, Math, and science.


The girl with too much fandoms, a fan girl, geek girl with a little bit of creepy factor. Everyone often stayed away from her because of how seemingly creepy and obsessed she is to her fandoms and often poked fun at her for it.  And again— leave my bb's alone—

She doesn't really care about them, but sometimes thinks that she needs to fit in with them to be liked. So, she tries to stop being a fan girl, when she suddenly realized that she shouldn't let people define her. And so she just let herself be and just fangirled to her fandoms and if people has problem with it, it's not her problem that they're disturbed.

She's a good student, but can sometimes have troubles paying attention, because she would often write drafts of fanfics on her notes or maybe doodle her crush and favourite characters instead of listening and that is the factor to why she almost barely passed.

She doesn't have any bad record in her school record, she's a good student. Though, she's been absent for a few times, but that's just because she has a fever or maybe attended a convention, or maybe slept in class.

Her favourite subject is English and hates math so much.

Touya (Dabi)

The bad boy. Oh come on, how did you not expect this? He came from a prestigious family who expected him to be the best of the best and all the pressure just began to break him so he decided to rebel. He would be picked as a subject of bullying, if it weren't for a fact that he can defend himself.

He often skips class to go out and mess around but when he is in class all hell breaks lose because he does a lot of things that entertains him but disturbs others. He smoked and maybe some a few drugs to some students, slept during class and etc.

He has made a lot of trips to the principal's office and he was being considered being kicked out of school, but his family has a strong influence over the school so he was kept there until he graduates.

He's smart, but his grades doesn't match up because of how painfully low it is.

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