Romeo and Hamlet (Overhaul X Sibling Reader) End

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Spoiler warning

Angst warning~

It's been a few months since you've had a proper confrontation with Mirio without being seen as an uncaught thug under Overhaul's command. 

I mean, yeah there's been times where you encounter the boy clad in his hero's uniform, chasing you down and failing to chase you down. A mask concealed your true identity to avoid risking yourself. The boy was extremely talented, but you were quite the slippery one.

The times you've desperately tried to go against your own statements never to connect with him again was countless, yet all of them were failed. You don't know whether that was good or bad. Maybe it was for the better of your sake and his, and seeing him would only tear your heart out from all of this teen angsty rebellious and forbidden romance bullshit.

So why bother?

It's destined for you to lose against him. Every villain and hero story just has a nice treatment to your kind— a villain kind— and that treatment would be chucking you out of your base, get your ass beaten by the hero, throwing you to prison and that's the end of it.

Under the moon lit evening, you stood still under a sketchy looking alley that by now isn't really sketchy for you. It was very usual for you to hang around this part around of the area, in fact, you knew it by the palm of your hand... Oh who am I to kid, it was the alley wherein you met him.

You can vividly remember the rain falling from the skies, your angry mutters, your dark thoughts, the coldness of your skin that was all washed away after the blue marble eyed boy— sunshine personified and upbeat guy took your hand that lifted you away from all of the negativity of the world when he gave you his handsome smile— his smile beyond value that you can gaze into for forever and you wouldn't even look away or grow weary of it.

You can't look at the sun the same after you met him; all you can see was him. Even eating cookies without him felt different. You would occasionally glance at the notification bar of your phone, hoping that he might've dropped you a message or two, but there was none.

You clenched your fists, just wanting to go back to your room and rest, not waiting for your business partner to bust their ass over the meeting spot to make you wait. And then there you thought you were assigned to the most easiest task there was, only assigned to deliver a batch of quirk enhancing drugs to thugs that were desperate and weak to use them... But you think that you'd rather be in the base, cleaning the walls after Overhaul or something... Or maybe you'd be the best man to babysit Eri than those sketchy people who Overhaul recruits to watch over the girl.

But you're stuck here.

"Overhaul said that if the client hasn't arrived around eight PM, the deal is off."

You glanced at your watch, only to see that an hour has passed.

8:30 PM... Good riddance.

You sighed in relief, before ridding the drug by hiding it in your coat and proceeding off the wretched ruins that were once functional. Kicking the stone forward was a procedure you repeated as you made your way out of the place, making confusing turns to avoid being followed.

What if I have never met the sunshine guy under the rain... What would happen?

Was it worth it to ponder with the possibilities that is impossible to happen? Yes, yes it is. But do you regret it? A little.

For one, if you have never met him then you wouldn't have this giddy feeling whenever he sends you a message... But of course, your meeting with him has a con; your relationship was seen as taboo and he doesn't even know who you really are.

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