Matchmaking gig Part 3!

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Hello! I'll get to the others as soon as I can! Please be patient <3

Hello! I'll get to the others as soon as I can! Please be patient <3

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SeverinaDances, hello! You match would be

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SeverinaDances, hello! You match would be... Kiego Takami, also know as the number two Wing hero, Hawks!

He really finds your sarcasm and dark sense of humour to be immensely entertaining, quit the match for his scoundrel flirtings, but your affection and care towards the people you care drew him further to fall for you. He was quite chatty person, finding himself hovering above you as you went about you day (if here weren't on duty that is.)

He really finds your determination to risk your everything towards your loved ones really endearing and finds you very selfless to do that. Th more reason why he'd love to get to know you better or better yet, perhaps date you? Jk, jk... Unless?

As your your myriads of talents and hobbies, he is thoroughly impressed and in awe at how much talent you have! Seriosuly he never has the time to indulge with his nonexistant hobbies but he would take the time to watch you do one of them, like seriously. Even if he's busy, there is nothing he would love but to ask you to play a song in the flute for him. From the classic, to the memeist, he doesn't care, he just wants to see you play because it really does make him feel things he can't describe. Maybe it's his fascination for people's passion towards their talents that makes him feel happy for them, but it was more than that. He just couldn't describe it, but he knows that it was deeply pleasant and it's making him happy.

As for dates, oh boy the boy is predictable, tbh and he is down to eat anything. If you were to plan the date, he would love that a lot. The boy is known to be too fast and will most likely be spontaneous, but he'd love a little bit of orderly normalcy for once in his life.

Look, the birdman just loves you because you're just so caring to those you love nad he hopes that he's one of them. Admittedly, he knows how to defend himself and all but, it's great to have someone have your back.

 Admittedly, he knows how to defend himself and all but, it's great to have someone have your back

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Hello MeiRiina! I hope you have a lovely day! Your match is... Izuku Midoriya!

He is in dire need of more parents, please. But in your case, you started out as his mom friend until he caught feels for you. It was straight to the books for him after his nerdy ways of listing his symptoms before researching them. Once he received his answer, he was shocked ot say the least but at the same time, a bit happy. He's never felt something so pleasant before, there have been no one he has ever felt like this for someone before nad it was all so jittery and tingly, but at the same time very pleasant.

As for dates, he almost settled on visiting yet another All Might museum but changed the last minute to visit a cafe instead. He is an organized planner but he he will let you take the lead and will follow along, he doesn't really mind.

He'll give you occasional gift at times with his extra allowance, and after knowing you full-well he bought you manga or any book he thinks you may like. He always doubts himself when buying you things to read, often indecisive if you'd like it or not, sometimes contemplation whether to give you money instead to buy on your own (but he really thinks that'd be effortless and lazy) so yeah.

He really values your love and is grateful for your caring nature towards him. He has way too much parental figures watching over him, but he always like to turn to you for comfort, when he's stressed. And who could forget your constant reminder for him to drink water? Eat food? He find it amusing, but most of all caring because gosh... You're giving him attention? Care? LOVE???

 You're giving him attention? Care? LOVE???

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Heyaaa plebsxxx ! Hope you're having a great day <3 your match would be the friendly neighborhood amphibian

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Heyaaa plebsxxx ! Hope you're having a great day <3 your match would be the friendly neighborhood amphibian.... Tsuyu Asui!

She has the knack to befriend anyone in sight the moment she began to study in UA, letting everyone skip the formalities and lets them call her by her first name. She puts up with your quick temper and as for your swearing, she couldn't care less about it because she knows that inside you really do value your relationship with others, especially friends and loved ones.

She's never felt this way before and she's glad to fall for you because somehow, she find the contrast very fascinating and amusing. Her form of affection will certainly involve her cooking for you because she really wants you to try her cooking and she cooked it with sheer love and with you in her mind, so please accept her gratitude in a form of a home cooked favourite meal of yours with her very one special touch ><

As for dates, she'll let you decide where, she is game for anything whether it is indoor's or out but if she were to decide the venue of the date, then she'll certainly take you to a local aquarium to look at beautiful sea creatures and will most certainly and occasionally take pics (with the flash off so that the animals won't get disrupted) and will cherish that photo forever because duh, it's yours.

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