Chapter 32 - 🖤

Start from the beginning

She stops banging and I hear her curse a few words before she says, "I'm hungry."

I roll my eyes and unlock the door before opening it, "You're always hungry you fat ass! We just fed you twenty minutes ago."

"I'm eating for two now you stupid, brainless, dick head!" She snaps back while placing her hands on her hips.

"It's not my fault that you spread your legs more often than a fucking cheerleader." I tell her, copying her previous movements.

"Well at least I get laid and I'm not still a twenty something year old virgin." She says while crossing her arms over her chest.

"I'd rather be a twenty something year old virgin than a walking STD." I say back, again, copying her previous movements.

Stupid blonde, I get laid! I just don't do it as often as your sex addicted ass does.

"You're so annoying, maybe that's why nobody wanted you... not even your own parents." She tells me with a victory smirk.

Oh no she didn't. Stay calm Marcus, she's just trying to get under your skin. I take a deep breath in and then let it all out before looking back up at her.

"At least my parents loved me enough to give me a normal name instead of naming me after a fucking fruit that nobody likes. Though, I suppose they knew that name would go well with you since nobody likes Apricots and nobody likes you." I tell her with my own victory smirk.

Damn Marcus, if you roast that toast anymore then she's going to get burnt.

"Shit, do you need some ice for that burn?" I ask her while licking the tip of my finger and placing it against my arm, making a sizzling noise when my finger touches my skin.

I swear I could see smoke coming out of her ears as she yells, "Go get me some fucking food!"

"You go get it biotch!" I yell back in her face. "Self serve you fucking Rollie Pollie, god gave you arms and legs, use them!" I throw my arms up in frustration and annoyance.

"Fine!" She says while moving forward and pushing me aside.

"I can't believe Damon tortured the maids like this. What did they ever do to deserve this sort of treatment from him? I don't know how they put up with your psycho ass!" I yell after her as she walks towards the kitchen.

She throws up her middle finger without looking back and shouts, "Fuck you!"

"No thank you, I don't want to get syphilis!" I say before she screams in frustration and stomps around the corner, disappearing from my sight.

Well, might as well go back to the living room and wait for Jax and V. As I walk in, Theo looks up and immediately whispers something into his phone and hangs up on who ever he was talking to.

"Who was that?" I ask while sitting back down next to him.

He puts his phone in his pocket and avoids eye contact with me, "No one important."

"I've known you since we were six, you're like my brother. Do you really think I can't tell that you're lying?" I ask while raising an eyebrow.

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