Chapter 1

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I woke up to my alarm bleeping on my tablet. It was my first day of school. I was so scared and I didn't want to go.

I had just moved from another school to Brecketts Academy because, my mum had moved houses to a new area. I was really popular at my old school, I really missed my friends.

I put my shower cap on and jumped in the shower. I came out 20 minutes later and brushed my teeth.

''Morning burnt brockely'' my brother greeted me rudely before, he slammed the bathroom door.

I walked to my bedroom, creamed myself with coco butter .I put my deodorant on, put my new uniform on and went downstairs.

''Morning mum'' I greeted her as I sat in between her legs ready for her to do my hair.

''Morning'' she said as my four year old sister came and hugged me, with soggy bread in her hands. My mum finished doing my hair later. I got up to slick my edges with my edge control.

"Hurry up Ayesha. I have work to get to" my mum called from the living room. I grabbed my coat, bag and walked out of the house. My mum unlocked the car and I got in the passengers seat.

We pulled up to a big building, with students pouring in through the gates. I was nervous and reluctant to get out of the car. But, I forced myself to get out before my mum kicked me out. I kissed her goodbye on the cheek and through the rustic gates.

I walked straight to the school reception and they gave me a copy to my classes. Life in year 10 looked difficult !


There was someone that really caught my eye, we locked eyes for a few seconds, I looked away, instantly filled with shyness. He was tall, brown skinned with brown curly hair. The bell rang, signifying it was to go to our tutor bases. As I walked to the room, a bunch of girls approached me with smiles.

''Hi whats your name?'' They asked me.

''Ayesha what about you?'' I asked them. One of them was Olivia she was short with tangly hair with an attitude, I didn't like her. One was called Jayla tall, fat, she had red hair that didn't suit her. I also didn't like her. There were two twins, Iela & Mya they were really kind, they were both caramel skinned.

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