3 a.m

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I woke up alone, in a cold bed that I had no intention of staying in. I look around, hoping to find my Alpha, but he was no where in sight. I began to whine, curling up in my bed, crying to myself. My mom popped into my mind, which only made me cry harder. The way she beat me, hurting me senseless. The way she never cared about how I felt, and how she was the reason I began to hurt myself. I guess it was because I'm used to the pain, but now, I hardly ever feel it. 

My eyes land on the alarm clock that it next to my bed.


I close my eyes, tears slipping past my eyes. 

My door began to open. Probably another Alpha coming to fuck me and leave again. My sent is strong, so I could see why an Alpha would find their way in. 


I didn't respond, just wanting them to do what they want.

"Keith, baby, it's me."

I opened my eyes.


I sat up, looking at the woman in my door way. She was soaking wet, probably from the rain outside.

"Keith! Please, baby! Come to momma!" 

I got up, running to my mother before a man who I couldn't see slit my moms throat. I fell, coughing up vomit from the sight of blood. My mom fell, her face hitting the ground hard. I scream, looking up at the door. A tan, muscular, blue eyed alpha.


He went to attack me.


"Keith, Keith, baby you're sweating, whats wrong?"

Lance was holding me in his arms while I hyperventilated.


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