Challenge Accepted?

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In my head, things raced. Moment of the past flooded my head as I couldn't get out of thought. What did he mean 'Challenge Accepted?' And why? I thought it was pointless. An Alpha like him really trying to get an Omega like me? In my dreams.

Sitting back and thinking scares me. I don't like to think, be he decided, "hey, let's make Keith thing for the next 2 minutes about existing. That should be fun, right?" Wrong.

I looked up at the Alpha scared. He could tell as well- I looked hurt. He could smell everything that was happening. He took a step closer and the sent got stronger. It was a pattern. He steps close, sent gets stronger, steps closer, a whimper. All I wanted to do was jump on him and pound me into tomorrow.

I knew if that happened, I could end up with pups and a mate. It all happens so quickly. When an Omega is in heat and an Alpha is in their rut, things could go downhill.

The smell of myself was filling the room but it felt like it was fighting another sent. As my eyes had earlier trailed back to my hands, I had realized that the Alpha in front of me looked a little hurt. I scanned him up until I saw his face. He was drenched in sweat and panting. The realization of reality hit me like a bus. 

"You need to leave..." Lance growled.
"And you need to not tell me what to do." His Alpha was dominating my Omega. 
"Lance...p-please," I choked on my own words, "y-you need to leave.." 

He bent down and held my chin up. His eyes were filled with compassion and love. I knew it was fake, I knew it was. But somehow he had a way with just looking at me. It was like a look for a king or queen. From a mother or father. Something I've never experienced. It took over as I melted into the Alphas hand. I'm the strongest Alpha

"You know I would leave you if I didn't understand that an Omega with a heat like this could kill them if not relieved. I know how to keep from marking you, keep from getting pups. All of it. I'm the strongest Alpha in this pack, and you know that too. Keith, please believe me. I wouldn't have scared all of the other Alphas away if I were gonna walk away right after them. Look at it this way, I see you staring at me during training. God, who knows what you're thinking. You're a strong Omega, if not the strongest I've ever met." Lance tried, he really did. Every word that was said had meaning to it. He wasn't one to flirt with any Omega he sees. He really did mean it. All I could do was hug him. As my arms wrapped around his neck I brought him close to me. The embrace was tight and felt like it lasted for years when in reality it only lasted about thirty seconds.

 Maybe this was the Alpha I wanted. But am I the Omega he wants?

(Should the next chapter be in Lances POV? Also- sorry for not posting, school decided to say hi.)

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