Chapter 19

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Even though the acolytes were tired, even though they'd been traveling all day with very little rest, Oakleaf didn't stop to make camp when the sun went down

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Even though the acolytes were tired, even though they'd been traveling all day with very little rest, Oakleaf didn't stop to make camp when the sun went down. Normally, such a decision would have been met with anger and bickering, but she heard not one word of protest. The road had taken them into centaurian territory now. With the forest now shrouded in darkness and the potential for centaur patrols wandering about, no one could sleep even if they tried.

Though the Temple had sent search parties out for weeks, none of them had ventured to the centaurian city of Ironhoof. The centaurs were a solitary race. Though included in the Tri-leaf Pact, their culture cared little for the neighboring tribes. They didn't revere the Lady and despised the very notion of an all-powerful female. Most centaurs seen outside the borders of their own territory, especially those found in Tranquility, had left Ironhoof permanently to escape its brutish ways.

As Oakleaf trudged on through the ever-darkening Wilds, she couldn't help but doubt the sanity of her decisions. Tranquility had avoided Ironhoof in this search for a reason, as an entire band of the Lady's faithful would find no hospitality there. Adhering to Tri-leaf Law would keep them alive and free, but she and the rest of her company would have to tread very carefully.

It didn't help that she knew it was all in vain. She'd purposefully sent her troupe to Ironhoof because she was certain the fugitives wouldn't be there. Seryan Moonbeam's order that they march on Meadowgold further confirmed her suspicions that they were hiding somewhere in the human territory. Rainstorm was already scouting the area, hoping to find them before a large force from Tranquility scared them off. She had to buy him more time, and the unexplored Wilds of centaurian land were the only destination that made viable sense.

Oakleaf's defiance was a big gamble. If her efforts turned out to be fruitless, she would pay dearly for her treachery. It was very likely she could be excommunicated, banished from the Temple for the rest of her life. However, if her rogue efforts paid off and led to the capture of the fugitives, her intuition would likely be considered divinely blessed. In time, she could be a contender for Moonbeam's seat at the table.

She could even become Grand Seryan one day.

As she trudged through the ever-darkening Wilds, Oakleaf's mind raced ahead in time to each outcome. She wanted to anticipate her rich rewards but knew she should prepare for the worst. No matter the outcome, she had to make sure that blighted faerie paid for her humiliation.

That was the part of her plan that she couldn't fully formulate. Not only was that faerie a Rose Thorn, but she was also their captain. It was a title that meant little outside of Windsong, but it still meant she couldn't do considerable damage to her without first acquiring more influence. One elven priestess had little say in the grand scheme of things, but being the priestess who found the fugitives through divine intuition would earn her favor with the Grand Seryan. If she had Silvermist's ear, she could convince her to push Windsong on bringing the little insect to justice.

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