Chapter 16

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The storm didn't last long

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The storm didn't last long. Though it was strong, the heavy rains passed over Meadowgold within an hour. Once they were gone, there was still plenty of sunshine left to enjoy, plenty of time for the festivities to continue and for the humans to celebrate the arrival of their first high priestess. The streets were muddy and many of the decorations had been damaged, but most human celebrations picked up where they left off when the weather temporarily interrupted them.

This time, it did not.

The late afternoon sun cast its warming rays down on empty streets. Goblets full of ale and rainwater lined fence rails and anything that could be used as a table. Colorful streamers floated in stagnant pools along the side of the streets. It looked as though the storm had washed all the happiness and cheer away, but such wasn't the case.

Ilderra shielded her eyes from the sun as she stepped out of Viyana's home. Her lovely robes, dried by the fire during the storm, became tarnished as each step dragged them through the mud. It was quiet, quieter than the Wilds. At least there she could hear the birds singing or the insects chirping. Here there was nothing. Everyone was in their homes, likely sitting alone with their disappointment over who Tranquility had sent to be their new spiritual leader. She'd hoped to see at least a few people out she could mingle with, but it was as though the city were abandoned. After just a few steps from the door, Ilderra stopped. She could see down the street from where she stood, and it too was empty. With eyes closed, she let out a long exhale.

"Where are you heading to?" Viyana asked as she emerged from her home.

"I'm just going to take a walk around," she responded without looking back.

"Could you use some company?"

Ilderra shook her head. "No, thank you. I think I'd rather be alone for a while."

"As you wish," Viyana replied kindly. "I have matters to attend to here anyway. Will I see you for supper?"


Ilderra wandered down the street without saying goodbye. Viyana watched on from her doorway until the high priestess was out of sight. Her heart ached for her. The storm had given them time to talk, and Viyana learned all about the strange and mournful circumstances that led to her assignment. She could only imagine what it must have felt like to get that calling, especially given Ilderra's history in Meadowgold. Viyana had been a leader for a few years now, but the title wasn't suddenly thrust upon her. She'd worked hard and made sacrifices over many years to get where she was. It wasn't that she thought Ilderra couldn't do it; she seemed quite capable and wise. But it was a job she never asked for and she had no choice but to accept.

And her people weren't making it any easier.

Viyana understood Ilderra's desire to be alone. She needed time to clear her head. In truth, she needed alone time as well. There was still the faerie to deal with. Once convinced Ilderra was well out of sight, Viyana reentered her home and made her way up the stairs. Sunrise and Sparrow were still as they were. The elven fugitive sat in a chair against the wall while Sparrow sat on the ledge of the table under the window.

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