Chapter 11

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Beyond the forest where the demons had marched, the Savage Lands northeast of Tranquility was still as beautiful and serene as ever

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Beyond the forest where the demons had marched, the Savage Lands northeast of Tranquility was still as beautiful and serene as ever. The foliage was still green and lush. The songs of birds could still be heard all around. The smells of charcoal and soot were still detectable but were far less noticeable than they would be just a little to the west. It was early morning. The leaves were still wet with dew and a fine mist hung in the air between the trees. It was a peaceful scene, enough to calm the heart and soul of any of the Lady's creatures.

Unfortunately, it was having no such effect on Moonbeam.

The underbrush shook loudly as the elven seryan marched through the largely uncivilized forest. In her company were Galdaren, the human seryan, and Ladybug, seryan to the faeries. Behind them, a small cluster of soldiers marched. With them were two male centaurs, each with a large mound wrapped in burlap and slung over their hind ends. The trio of seryans moved with great purpose, with Moonbeam leading the way. A fire burned behind her old eyes and each planting of her walking stick upon the earth sounded with a loud thud.

As they neared the base of the mountain, Moonbeam began to see signs of a fledgling settlement. At first glance, one could easily mistake it for a large camp. There were several tents of varying sizes spread out amongst the trees with the remnants of large fires in the widest spaces. Lines of rope crisscrossed the branches like a giant spider web, each one holding crudely made garments or blankets. At the center of it all, a flag waved at the top of a crudely fashioned pole. Upon the white sheet sat jagged emblem resembling a star or a snowflake. It had thin, curving points of red and black, all forming a design that looked as orderly as it did chaotic.

Amongst all of this, there were the balisekts. The lizard people wandering the settlement in the early morning looked frightfully unrested for having recently awoken. Their eyes were like foggy glass. Many seemed to be moving about aimlessly, not knowing where they were going or why. Moonbeam could sense a great deal of fatigue amongst the balisekts. If she hadn't been so angry, she might possibly have felt pity for them.

The balisekts gave her puzzled looks as she stormed into their new home. Some cowered away, seemingly sensing her rage and moving out of harm's way before it was released. She scoffed. What happened to these creatures? Where were the bloodthirsty savages that marched destructively through the Lands of Order like the Blight of old? Domestication had made them weak and fearful. Perhaps the Lady never intended for them to be counted amongst Her chosen ones.

Moonbeam drove her staff into the ground when she stopped. Her grip on it released, leaving it embedded in the soft earth like a flagpole set by a conquering warlord. The balisekts backed away, forming a circle around her and her entourage. For a few chilling moments, there was only silence. The old elf's eyes scanned the scaly faces around her, looking for even one among them who appeared to have a spine.

"Who is in charge here?" she demanded. There was no response. The balisekts simply continued to watch her like a helpless animal cornered by a predator. Her fists tightened at her sides. "I know at least a few of you blighted creatures speak the Lady's blessed tongue, so I'll ask again." Moonbeam's hands snapped open, causing a ring of fire to radiate out a short distance from her body and scatter those balisekts nearest to her. "Who is in charge here?!"

The Shadow of the Throne: Eternal Forest Saga - Book 2Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ