Chapter 17

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With its lack of canopy cover, Meadowgold and its surrounding fields dried out from the rain quickly

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With its lack of canopy cover, Meadowgold and its surrounding fields dried out from the rain quickly. In no time at all, the air was once again warm and most of the smaller puddles were gone. For Viyana, Sparrow, and Sunrise, it made the first part of their journey quite pleasant. The trek took them northwest to the edge of the city and through the fields where the herding families tended their flocks. The sheep and goats were already back out on the grass, munching away as though nothing unordinary had happened that morning.

Sunrise was dressed in the large, hooded cloak he'd become accustomed to since coming to the human city. Being on the run, he had to keep his identity a secret whenever he traveled in public. The difference this time was that Viyana was dressed the same way. She too had a long, hooded cape hiding her features. Unlike her usual attire, the cape was old looking and made with simple materials. This was an errand she didn't want her people to know about.

Sparrow fluttered along nearby. They moved quietly through the fields, leaving her to wonder why their destination was so far from the city. Once everyone passed the tree line and entered the Savage Lands, Sunrise and Viyana lowered their hoods. The air in the forest was still damp. Droplets of rainwater showered down from the leaves, making it seem as though the storm was still going.

"I still don't understand what he's doing way out here," Sunrise said. "Has he been exiled?"

"No," Viyana said with a sigh. "Things with him have been...complicated since the end of the war."

"And I'm assuming you've asked him to return home?"

"Many times," Viyana answered. "There's just no getting through to him."

"How very tragic," Sunrise said somberly.

"Who is this person we're meeting way out here?" Sparrow inquired. She'd gleaned very little from either of them about their itinerary, and she was uncomfortable venturing into savage territory so blindly.

"An old friend from the Balisekt War," Viyana answered. "He's been living out here since the battle ended."

"All by himself?" Sparrow asked.

Viyana stopped to consider her words. "Not really, but yes."

"That makes no sense."

Viyana laughed. "Trust me, Sparrow. The more you learn, the less sense it will make."

"I just hope his time out here can offer us some guidance," Sunrise said. "Whatever secrecy is going on around here seems to be originating out in the Savage Lands. Perhaps he's seen or heard something that can help us." After a few more paces, signs of civilization started to present themselves. At least, they were signs of a former civilization. Splintered boards lay in the dense underbrush amongst half-finished structures. It looked as though someone had tried to build a city within the wild forest and failed.

"Where are we?" Sunrise asked as he surveyed the strange surroundings.

"This is the Viyanian Settlement," she responded. "Or, at least it was."

The Shadow of the Throne: Eternal Forest Saga - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now