Chapter 15

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"The continued neutrality of Tri-leaf Pass is imperative for the Pact to succeed

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"The continued neutrality of Tri-leaf Pass is imperative for the Pact to succeed. The crossroads have long stood for harmony, and the Council must have that energy about them in each meeting they hold."

Mapleleaf: Elven High Priestess

Oakleaf was finding her anger had its advantages. It made her more focused and more determined but, most of all, it let her go on very little sleep. It wasn't her choice not to sleep; her rage wouldn't let her. Whenever she closed her eyes, she would see that blighted faerie hovering in front of her again. She remembered the shame she felt cowering before a creature small enough to fit in her hand. In her lifetime, Oakleaf had stepped on creatures as big as her without even realizing it, yet that little insect was powerful enough to make her look like a useless fool.

And in front of her own seryan.

Moonbeam's dismissal hurt worse than anything. From time to time, she found herself rubbing gently on her hip, tending to the spot where she'd hit the ground after the seryan pushed her aside. There was no injury, but she nursed it as if there were. It comforted her when she remembered Moonbeam's hurtful words. Weak, incapable, these were how her seryan described her after the Rose Thorns barred their way. She'd worked too hard to be where she was and, until that moment, the future had seemed so bright.

She had to find a way to get it back. She had to get her life back on course and prove her worth in the Temple. Most of all, she had to make Windsong pay for her humiliation.

These thoughts never seemed to leave her mind, but a long march down the Tri-leaf roads gave her nothing better to do than dwell on the past. With Moonbeam back in Tranquility, Oakleaf was now the leader of her team. Of course, the seryan was still in charge, but her orders came by way of messenger faeries who arrived from time to time. At least, they were supposed to. She had expected some form of communication from the seryan since her departure, but none had come.

With no course of action, Oakleaf rallied the band of acolytes and pushed on. She needed a bold move to show her capabilities, and only one thing would do. After several days of waiting in Moon-hollow for guidance, Oakleaf announced that the party would travel across the Lands of Order to Ironhoof. Other than Windsong, the centaurian city was the only settlement not yet thoroughly searched. The territory had been checked, but only what could be seen from the Safe Road and no group had actually gone into the city.

It wasn't simply fear that kept them out, though the private nature and militaristic culture of the centaurs did make them quite intimidating. There was little chance either of the fugitives would find safe haven with them. The centaurs cared little for the Temple or the worship of the Lady, but they cared even less for outsiders making themselves at home on their land. Still, if a good enough hiding spot were found, they could rest assured that those hunting for them would stay away.

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