Chapter 17

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The team sat in the bio ship, going over the plan one last time. It was definitely risky, but it was the best they could come up with.

Everyone was extremely on edge- not to mention the fact that they hadn't slept yet. Kid Flash was pacing around, well Artemis focused on counting her arrows. M'gann had hardly spoke, besides the few words her and Connor shared. Kaldur continued to go over the plan in his head.

"We're here." Miss M's voice broke into everyones concentration.

"Land on a nearby roof." Aqualad ordered.

She did as told and soon the team was preparing to leave.

"Everyone knows the plan. We are to try and complete this as a covert mission."

"When do our missions ever stay covert?" Superboy mumbled.

Artemis has informed the team that she had visited this hideout once, a few years ago, with her dad. She was quite thankfully that everyone was taking the new news very well. She explained that well her dad and Deathstroke were discussing business, she had wondered around the base.

At the back, near the docks, there was a pipe that she believed lead into the base. It was just big enough for M'gann, Wally, and herself to fit in.

Wally had argued the fact that he didn't think he could fit in the tube. However, Artemis insured him that his shoulders were definitely small enough.

Well those three did that, Super Boy and Aqualad were to survey the area and find another way in.

The trio were currently crawling through the old pipe. There was a small amount of water draining out at the bottom.

"I see light, we're coming to the end." Artemis informed the group.

Once their, she grabbed the grate that was guarded them from their mission.

"What do you see, Artemis?" M'gann questioned.

"All clear, I'm removing the grate." She took a deep breath and began to loosen the bolts. She slowly and quietly pushed the grate forward, and crawled out.

She looked around the hallway, the walls were concrete with lights every couple feet; it was still clear.

Miss Martian and Kid Flash slipped out, both dripping wet. Artemis put the grate back on when she heard Aqualad's voice in her head.

"Super Boy and I have found a way in, we are now looking for Robin."

"Same with us." M'gann informed.

Just then two men rounded the corner. Before they had the chance to react, Kid Flash ran over and took them out.

"Kid, drag them over here, I have a plan," Artemis ordered through the mind link.


"Why do bad guys always have uncomfortable uniforms." Wally mumbled, trying to adjust his new bulletproof vest.

"Shut it Kid mouth." Artemis replied.

After taking the two soldier's suits, and stuffing them into the pipe, Artemis and Wally changed into them. Taking a once over of Artemis, M'gann easily morphed to complete the look.

They were currently walking through the halls, attempting to complete their mission. That was until the building began to shake.

"What's happening? Are you guys ok?" Miss Martian asked.

"Were in the middle of something-"

Another loud bang.

"I'll call you back." Connor's voice rushed out before disappearing.

"We need to go find them." M'gann said, looking wide eye at the group.

"No, this is the perfect distraction. We can use this." Artemis insisted.

The trio started to run.

"There must be some type of central computer or something that can tell us where he is." Kid Flash said, more to himself.

"Your right, something that can track him..." Artemis agreed, trailing off as her and Wally looked at Miss Martian.

"Miss M, can you track his mind and find out where he is?"

M'gann stopped running, "Hello Megan, why didn't I think of this before."

The two watched as her eyes began to glow green.

"He's located a couple hallways away, I can lead us their. But, there is something different about him."

"What do you mean?" Wally asked as he and Artemis followed her.

"I don't know, he's just not himself. It's hard to explain."

It didn't take long until they finally reached the door.

"He's inside their."

Artemis nodded her head and reached into her quiver to receive an arrow. She placed it on the door and backed up. After a couple seconds, a small explosion erupted resulting in the door falling over.

Everyone took a deep breath, preparing themselves for what they might find. However, before they could walk in, a young boy peeked his head out the door.

He was know older than thirteen with shaggy black hair and beautiful blue eyes. Although he looked completely innocent, the large scars and bruises around his body told a different story.

He narrowed his eyes at them, but stayed quiet.

"Robin?" Kid Flash questioned, "dude, you have a total baby face."

Artemis snorted at the comment, but M'gann held a confused gaze.

"I told you, there's something wrong." M'gann reminded them.

"It's fine, all that matters is getting Robin out of here." Wally urged, walking over to grab Robin.

At the sudden movement, the boy flinched away and backed into the room.

"Um, as much as I would like to break ever bone in your body, I'm under strict orders to stay in here so I would appreciate if you would leave."

The three were taken back by finally hearing him speak. It was definitely Robin's voice, but there was something different about it.

"Rob, it's us: your family."

"I'm sorry, I don't know who this Robin guy is, but he's not me." The boy replied sharply.

"M'gann, what's wrong with him?" Artemis asked, horror laced her words.

"I-I don't know, his mind's been tampered with. His memories are a mess."

"That's rude, you don't invade someone's home and tell them they have messed up memories." The boy interjected.

"You need to remember, Robin. This isn't your home. Please, we're here to help you."

"I already told you, I'm not Robin. And I don't need your help. I need you to leave."

"We can't do that." Artemis insisted.

"Fine, it's your death wish." The younger Boy muttered, getting into fighting stance.

Kid Flash sighed, why can't their mission ever go smoothly, just once?

Robin |Young Justice Fanfiction|जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें