Chapter 10

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One thing I've learned from my short life of crime fighting is that I fight best in the cover of darkness.

It was already fairly dark, so I decided that it wouldn't be to hard to knock out the few lights. Then I would drop down below and help the civilians.

So that's what I did; I threw a couple bird-a-rangs and took out all the lights. The room was now in total darkness.

I heard a couple screams from below but didn't focus on them. Batman asked me to help him with this mission, if he believed in me then I could do it.

I took a deep breath and dropped down from the vent, landing in a roll and springing up. I ran over to the civilians, wasting no time in untying them.

One of the children-around 6-started to cry.

She was the last one I untied. I bent down to her level.

"Hey," I whispered, "It's going to be ok. Just take a deep breath and squeeze me hand."

I set my hand in hers, satisfied when the tiny hand grabbed it.

I stood up, "We're getting out of here."

Suddenly, bright spot lights turned on all around us-blinding me. The awful laugh of the Joker followed.

"Well, If it isn't the brat boy. If I'm being honest, I was hoping for Batsy, but you'll do."

He was standing on a pile of boxes, a wide smile plastered on his pale face.

The little girl squeezed my hand tighter.

It was fine, improvising was my specialty.

"Wow, I thought I was pale, but you take the cake. Have you ever considered getting some sun?"

With my free hand I dug out a few explosives.

The man jumped off the boxes and landed on the ground. He let out a laugh.

"I think my skin looks perfect the way it is, don't you lovely folk agree?"

After nobody agreed with him, he pretended to feel hurt.

"Why so serious? I guess I'll have to lighten the mood."

Just as he threw a bunch of laughing gas bombs, I threw my explosives disks; one at the crazy man and the rest at a nearby wall.

I picked the young girl up and handed her to one of the adults.

"Hold you breath and run. Go east till you reach the road, then get help." I ordered.

The man nodded and they all ran away.

"My guests," Joker cried as he walked threw the smoke and towards me, "Now that was just rude."

He grabbed a knife from his pocket and ran towards me. He tried to stab me, but I dodged it, still holding my breath.

Just then, Batman came out of nowhere and sent a punch to Jokers head.

The clown stumbled to the side a bit. I took it as my cue and take out his legs and send him to the ground.

"So the bird and the bat team up? Now this is interesting."

I would've told him to shut up, but I was still holding my breath.

Batman grabbed the man by the neck and ran him towards the hole I created. I followed him.

I watched as he slammed the Joker into another building.

"What was the point of all of this?"

I went to walk closer, but a sudden wave hit me like a truck. I stumbled a bit, unable to find my balance.

Robin |Young Justice Fanfiction|Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz