Chapter 1

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I let my legs dangle from the edge of the Wayne Enterprise building, it had been an uncharacteristically quiet night here in Gotham- making me curious.

Sadly, the quiet never really lasted. A couple hundred yards away or so, a building erupted into flames.

Sighing, I stood up, reaching for my grappling hook attached to my belt. In one swift movement I was on my way towards the fire, swinging from one building to the next.

As I got closer, I realized what was on fire, one of Gotham's largest greenhouses; that could only mean one thing- Ivy.

I swung towards a window, smashing the glass and rolling on the ground.

I quickly jumped up, taking in my surroundings: the large building was in shits as the fire ragged on everywhere. Broken glass covered the floor and large vines and plants were scattered all around.

"My babies," an oh so familiar female voice shirked.

I looked to my left to see Ivy, surrounded by vines, fighting the one and only bats.

I ran over there, the heat starting to reach the level of suffocation. After dodging the many obstacles, I finally reach Batman.

He gives me his famous bat glare- causing me to roll my eyes.

"What are you doing here?" He stated, ducking underneath a vine that was swung at him.

I grabbed a couple explosive disks from my belt and threw them towards Ivy, satisfied after hearing her yell a second later.

"Was in the neighbourhood," I shrugged.

A loud bang suddenly echoed through the building, followed by part of the roof collapsing above me. In a split second, I dove to my right, nearly getting crushed.

The building wasn't going to last much longer. Whatever I was going to do, I had to do now.

I looked at Batman, and winked at him. Then I stared yelling, waving my arms around.

"Yo, crazy plant lady!"

Ivy turned towards me, causing her vines to fly at me.

"I was expecting to be more whelmed while fighting you, but you can't even hit me," I mocked, flipping over one vine and grabbing another to swing me around.

Another part of the roof broke and fell somewhere behind me.

Come on Batman hurry up, I thought.

As if reading my mind, Batman appeared behind Ivy, taking his hand and swinging it at her temple. Her body went limp, as well as her 'babies'.

I was about to relax, until I realized I was in a burning building. Following Batman's lead, I grabbed my grappling hook and shot it towards the hole I had come in from. My body was pulled forwards, and I just made it out as the warehouse exploded. The explosion hit my back and threw me forwards.

With a loud thump, my body smacked against the stone wall- that was going to hurt in the morning.

Unable to do anything, I fell to the ground, landing on the hard cement of the alley way. As my back hit the ground, the wind was knocked out of me.

I let out a couple coughs out, trying to regain my posture, but wow- I was definitely going to feel that in the morning!

Finally, I obtained the will to sit up, taking in deep breaths.

"You shouldn't have done that," said a deep voice from behind me.

I slowly turned around to see batman, as well as an unconscious Ivy in his hands.

"Capturing Ivy was a team effort," I mumbled, draping an arm around my ribs.

"You could've gotten yourself killed. You're inexperience and reckless, I want you off the streets."

I smirked at him, that's the third time he's given me that speech.

"How about no," I said, finally having enough breath to stand up and face him.

His glare deepened, but I didn't flinch- once you've seen what I've seen, very little scares you.

"Then you're coming with me," He took a step towards me, but I was too fast. In a mere second I flipped onto the fire escape and was on the roof.

"Not today!" I called out, my laugh echoing across the walls.

After getting a few yards away I stopped running. Batman wouldn't follow me until Ivy was locked up.

I checked my holo glove- 4:36 am- might as well head back home. Doing a once over view to make sure no one was in danger, I started the trek back home.

Robin |Young Justice Fanfiction|Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt