Chapter 4

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Wasting no time when I arrived at my destination, I ran out of the tube and to the right-where the computer for the Zeta Tube was.

Typing with ease, I quickly disarmed the tube, in hopes that the assassin wouldn't follow me.

Once I finished, I turned around and set my back against the wall; sliding down to a sitting position.

Finally, I took in my surrounding. There was a tried looking team in front of me, plus a new girl dressed in all green pointing an arrow at my chest.

It looked like the team had just gotten back from a mission, I thought.

Kid Flash was the first to speak, "Why is your face all bloody?"

I rolled my eyes and stood up, "that's not important right now, what is would be me contacting Batman. So can you help me out with that?"

"You can call him in the mission room down the hall to your right," Miss. Martian, being the kind hearted person she was, told me.

I nodded my head and stood up. As I made my way forward, Super Boy stepped in front of me.

"And why do you need to see Batman so bad?" He grunted out.

I pinched the bridge of my nose, "Do you see my face? I need to talk to him about the person who did this." I snapped at him.

I shoved my way past him and towards the mission room. Granted I may have been rude, but I didn't have time to deal with their bullshit.

I found my way to the mission room- a large rectangular area. On one wall was a large computer and along the middle was a long table with a couple chairs.

I walked over to the computer, easily able to find and contact Batman.

After the screen beeped for 30 seconds, the Dark Knight appeared in front of me.

"This better be good-" he didn't finish his sentence when his eyes landed on me.

I crossed my arms, "Oh it is, and I need to talk to you in person."

The older man nodded his head, "I'll be there in 5 minutes, don't do anything stupid."

And with that, the screen turned black.

I took in a deep breath, then walked out of the room and back to the living room where I had first entered.

On my way back, I decided it was probably safe enough to allow the Zeta Tubes to start working again. Using my Holo glove this time, I completed the task.

As I entered the room, the team was still standing around-all of them looking ready to collapse.

Not wanting to say anything, I walked towards the couch and sat down.

"If you don't mind me asking, what are you doing here?" Aqualad asked calmly.

I ran a hand through my hair, "It's doesn't matter."

"Do you want me to grab the medical kit?" Miss M asked.

"Im fine." Was all I said in a response.

Before anyone could interjected, the Zeta Tube announced someone I thought I'd never be glad to see.

Batman made his way over to me, "What's so important that you need to talk to me right now?"

My face was blank of all emotion when I said the name, "Deathstroke."


After a minute of silence, Batman and I walked into the mission room alone. He made me tell him everything that happened, and I did.

After I finished, Batman seemed to ponder on my words.

"Are you sure he didn't say anything else?" He questioned.

I rolled my eyes, "I told you everything I remember. Just that I have potential and some shit."

"If he wanted you dead then you wouldn't be here," The older man said more to himself than me, "So what does he want with you?"

I crossed my arms, "I wouldn't be dead. I got away from him, didn't I?"

He ignored me, "I'll have to do some investigating-"

"We." I corrected.

"-in the meantime, you'll stay here. Don't want to chance you having another run in with him."

I nearly choked, "You want me staying here?"

"Yes, I don't think you clearly understand how dangerous Deathstroke is. If he wants something, he usually gets it. Right now it seems he wants you."

Batman went to leave but I stopped him.

"None of my stuff is even here, and what's to stop me from leaving?"

"You can get some belongings later. And for you leaving-" he longed toward me and stuck a nettle in my neck.

In reaction, I swung my right hand, getting a good hit in on him.

Batman stumbled back a step, but the deed was done. I set a hand to my neck, it now throbbing in pain.

"-that is a tracking device. You can leave, but I'll find you. Give your guardian a call and tell them that you won't be home."

And with that he left me alone. A sudden sad thought draped over me, call a guardian, he said.

I took a deep breath-waiting about a minute before I walked out the room, following Batman's example.

As I re-enter the living room, Batman was giving the team a debrief of their new roommate.

Before Batman left, he tuned and look right at me, "I'll talk to you more tomorrow. Behave."

In response I gave him the middle finger, and with that he was gone.

I turned to face the group in front of me, what do I do now?

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