Chapter 12

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I looked up from my holo glove-the only light in the room- completely puzzled. I stood up from my bed and walked over to the door. After prying it opened, I stepped out into the hallway.

The hallway was pitch dark. It was strange to me that the back up generators hadn't come on.

It was nearly midnight so the only people in the cave were M'gann, Connor, and Kaldur. So after trying to communicate through the mind link and getting no reply, I made me way to Kaldur's room.

I knocked on the door but got no response.

"Kaldur, are you in there?" Again, no response.

Now I knew something wasn't right. I looked down at my holo glove and was about to contact Batman, until I remembered he was off world.

Crap, I thought.

Before I could think of a next step, I heard someone hiding in the shadows. Getting into a fighting stance, I began to slowly turn in a circle.

It all happened so fast. Someone jumped out of nowhere and ran straight towards me.

I ducked underneath the fist that was thrown at my head and rolled to the side. Before I could spring up, a kick was placed at my chest; I was knocked on my back.

Wasting no time, I jumped up. Without debate, I began to run down the hallway. I decided to make my way to the training room, where most of my weapons were; I wasn't much of a threat fighting in my pyjamas.

As I sprinted into the large room, I stopped dead in my tracks- my breath was trapped in my throat. Kaldur, Connor, and Megan were laying in down, looking half way to death.

I couldn't comprehend what was happening. How someone had just taken out these three without me knowing. I wanted to run over and makes sure they were okay, but it was as if my feet were stuck to the ground.

I heard the foot steps of the man who had previously attacked me come up behind me. I turned around and was face to face with the familiar orange and black mask.

Attempting to push my nerves away, I took a deep breath. What would Batman do in this situation?

"What do you want with me, Deathstroke?"

Although he had a mask on, I could tell he was smirking.

"It's simple, Richard-"

I visually flinched.

"I'm in need of an apprentice and you seem to fit the criteria quite well."

If I wasn't so scared, I probably would've laugh.

"Why would I ever become your apprentice?"

He began to walk closer to me, each step creating more tension.

"When I'm through with you, you won't have a choice."

I took a step back, I knew I had to come up with something. I did not want to get stuck with this maniac.

Then a plan came to me, a stupid one that probably wouldn't work.

"Since you can clearly overpower me, I guess I don't have a choice."

The man was now less than a foot away, "I'm glad you've made the wiser choice."

That was when I strike. I grabbed the sword on his belt and slashed it against his stomach. Deathstroke stumbled back.

I got into a fight stance. I wasn't very experienced with using a sword in battle, but it was better than nothing.

A dark chuckle came for Deathstroke as he pulled out another sword, "You truly will be the perfect apprentice."

The older man ran at me first. He swung his blade and I barely countered it. He rushed at me again and I flipped backwards, away from him.

My new plan was to keep avoiding him until I could come up with an actual plan.

Deathstroke went to stab me, but I blocked it and got a kick to his stomach. In return, he swung around and elbowed me in the head.

I stumbled back a bit. I tried to regain myself, but he was already on top of me. He knocked me to the ground and got a few good punches on me.

I brought my knee up and hit his stomach. This gave me a second to roll away from him.

When I was back up on my feet I realized my sword was missing. I looked over at Deathstroke who now had two blades.

Well this was going to be a problem.

Deathstroke ran at me and as I blocked one of his blades, the other one slashed against my shin.

That distracted me long enough for the mercenary to get a hard punch to my temple. With a thump, I fell to the ground.

I could feel blood coming out of my leg, but I ignored it. I tried to stand back up, but recived another punch to the head.

"It would be in your best interest to stay down." He stated.

I tried to stand again, "Sorry, but I don't take orders well."

The last thing I saw was a foot coming towards my face. After that it was lights out.

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