Chapeter 8

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It had been almost two weeks since the last mission. I had only gone home once: to retrieve some of my things and to tell "my parents" that I was in some special program, so I would be away from home for a while. It sounded lame, but the team seemed to buy it.

In that time I had begun to get close with the team.

I was sitting on the couch beside Wally, playing video games.

When I told him that I've never played video games before-I only ever used my holo glove for hacking-he went completely nuts. Then zoomed off to bring his play station and teach me how to play

I had caught on fairly quickly and was now kicking KF's butt.

When the tv announced that I had won again, I jumped up in victory and flipped over the couch.

Wally crossed his arms, "I let you win."

"Just keep telling yourself that."

I set the controller down and walked over to the kitchen.

I watched as Megan attempted to teach Connor how to properly crack an egg. She gently set her hand on Connor's and guided it as he held the egg.

I grabbed an apple from the fridge and jumped on the counter.

I took a bit from it, "What are you guys making?"

Megan smiled, "Chocolate chip cookies."

"Make sure you save some for me before Kid Mouth eats them all."

I finished my apple and discarded the core.

When I got back to the living room, I saw Artemis and Wally sitting on the couch together. They were arguing over what to watch.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed the remote.

As I flipped through channel I asked, "Have you guys seen kaldur?"

Artemis shrugged, "said something about visiting an old friend."

I nodded, realizing how much he would've had to leave behind; his friends, family, his whole life.

Leaving the circus was one of the hardest things I've ever done. I didn't want to go, Haley did everything he could to try and keep me. Sadly, the social worker said that the circus was no place for a child to grow up without his parents.

Apparently a juvenile detention was the place for me because that's where they sent me. All the orphanages were apparently to full, so I was forced to live there for nearly a year.

That's when I knew I had to escape.

Living there was a nightmare; being eight, a circus freak, and tiny for my age, I was a perfect target. I was harassed, but not just by the kids, but the guards too.

Then one night I realized that I had enough. I knew I had to hatch a plan to escape. Long story short, I was out on the streets three days later.

"-and in recent news, the joker has escaped from Arkham last night. If anyone has any information on this, please contact the number at the bottom of the screen."

I heard Artemis groan, "Looks like we're not gonna have a mission anytime soon. Bats is going to have his full attention on this."

I was slightly disappointed as well, it was nice to have a break and all but I needed some action.

"What about training?" A female voice announced.

I turned around and saw Black Canary walk towards us.

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