Chapter 18

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I didn't know why, but I really wasn't in the mood to fight these three. There was something about them that made me feel on edge.

I shook it off and got into a fighting stance. I watched as two of the people quickly took off their uniforms to reveal cheesy superhero suits. The other transformed their body to become a green skinned girl in a blue, red, and white uniform.

"Whoa, your a Martian." I muttered under my breath. I've never seen a Martian before. What did Master say about them? If they try and get into your head, picture something horrific. Considering I had nothing on me to start a fire, the second option would have to do.

Beside her was a boy in a bright yellow jumpsuit with red pants, gloves, and a lightening bolt on his chest; not to mention his red hair. I couldn't help but laugh at his get up.

The third person was in a green two part suit with a light green arrow in the middle of the top part. In her arms was a drawn bow and on her back was a quiver.

The way they looked at me seemed odd. They looked sad, like fighting me was the worst thing in the entire world. Maybe it had something to do with my age.

I pushed the thought away and focused as an arrow was shot at me. I easily dodged it. I had no weapons so I would have to win by close combat.

I was about to run at the archer, when the guy in the yellow appeared in front of me-out of know where, I might add.

He went to punch me, with lightning speed. I had to throw myself to the side to avoid it.

"I'm gonna assume you're a speedster." I stated, dodging another arrow.

Suddenly I felt a presence in my mind. It brought a soft and kind touch, but the feel of someone in my mind scared me.

I didn't have to even think as a image of me on the ground, bleeding and bruised, came to life. I didn't remember it, but their it was. I watched as I shook on the ground and started coughing up blood.

I heard the Martian yelp at the vivid sight and stumbled back.

I took the distraction to grab the speedster's arms behind his back and smash the back of his knee in. The red head let out a scream as I broke his leg.

I looked over at the other two. The Martian was starting to get her grounding back, well the archer looked horrified.

The looks they gave me made my blood boil. I used the anger and brought my foot down on the boy's face-knocking him out.

"Robin," The blonde spoke, "You need to remember. M'gann, try to get inside his mind again."

I glared my eyes at her, "No ones going near my mind."

I couldn't explain it, but the thought of someone going in my mind terrified me. It was as if someone had done it before, twisted my thoughts around. That wasn't true though, right?

"I can't." The Martian said as I advanced into combat with the other girl.

By the way she fought, it seemed that she was trained by an assassin; this was interesting.

After blocking a few of her moves, I went into an offensive attack by grabbing her leg and whipping her to the ground. She let out a grunt as she bounced off the ground.

"I don't care if you can't, you will or our little brother is going to kill us." She instructed the Martian-M'gann, I believe she was called.

Deciding I was done with M'gann, I started to run towards her. I needed to take her out, once and for all. I was only a few steps away from her, when her eyes began to glow green.

"Sorry Robin." She whispered then in the blink of the eye, I was surround by white.

Unlike the kind presence before, she forced her way through; leaving me know time to defend my mind. It was a weird feeling, like I was outside my body, or like I was inside my mind. Either way, It felt uncomfortable. M'gann suddenly appeared, floating a couple feet away from me.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"Inside your mind," she explained.

"I thought it less white."

"It's only like this because we haven't entered the memory part of you mind. That parts a bit, cracked."

I raised an eyebrow, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Someone's tampered with your mind, not me of course, but your memories are a mess. It happened recently, and you've been confused ever since."

Honestly, the last part was true. I have been confused, things have seemed off and it's hard to explain it. It was like I was constantly doubting everything that happened. However, someone tampering with my mind seemed impossible. My master would never let that happen.

"You're confused right now. What I'm saying seems wrong, but at the same time it feels right."

I took a step back and tried to clear my head, "If what you're saying is true, then how would you prove it."

She gave me a sweet smile, "I could show you. You'd have to let me, but I can show you what I mean by your memories being cracked."

I narrowed my eyes at her, "and how do I know this isn't some trap?"

"You'll just have to trust me. Once you see it all, you'll get this feeling and you'll understand."

Maybe it was how she reminded me of my mama, or maybe it was something else. Anyways, I trusted her.

Without speaking, I nodded my head. She floated towards me and reached out her hand. I reached my hand out, and taking a deep breath, I grabbed it.

Robin |Young Justice Fanfiction|Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat