16. Darke Reunion

Start from the beginning

Ethelston returned the smile "Elves have funny ways of insulting people. We finish here and then continue our journey to the keep."

Erdudvyl knelt down, making sure that her hood covered most of her facial features. Removing a small flower from a pouch on her hip she spoke quietly over it before passing it to the Reaper. "Take this, eat it, it will ease your pain. Get to a doctor quick though, the longer the arrow is not dealt with, the greater the chance is of losing your leg."

The Reaper just looked at her bright blue eyes, almost lost in them. He tried to thank her but instead grunted helplessly.

Leaving the carnage behind them, the three compatriots headed towards the keep leaving the injured Reaper to fend for himself. As more locals started to exit their homes, a part of Erdudvyl wondered whether he would get the help he desperately needed.


Despite the suns rays highlighting areas of the Ravenscourt ground, the mood in the streets up to the keep gates still felt rather bleak.

It came as a moment of relief as the keep gate were guarded by a couple of light-hearted individuals, both with dangerous-looking halberds leaning against their shoulders. What they were laughing about could not be heard but the moment Ethelston, Loldirr and Erdudvyl came into view, their smiles disappeared and their halberds were switched quickly from shoulders to hands.

Looking through the slit of his sallet, an elder soldier, with a beard mixed grey and black, grimaced as the travellers edged closer. His hands held the halberd tightly, the clanging of his armour confirmed he was ready to fight if necessary.

Ethelston looked up at the tall walls that towered them either side, aware that there were likely other soldiers with crossbows at the ready, should this situation become dramatically hostile.

"State your business." the soldier said, a tone of hostility in his voice.

Ethelston placed his arms to his side, determined to not escalate the situation. "We have come to see Sir Millendahl on urgent business."

"Not happening." the soldier replied abruptly.

"You misunderstand, " Ethelston gestured for his name.

"Arminell. Arminell Sourly."

"You misunderstand Arminell Sourly. We have travelled a fair distance to meet the Lord of Ravenscourt, it concerns the realm."

Arminell face contorted as if into a frown. With half his face covered in the sallet, it was difficult to tell. "His lordship has demanded that he not be disturbed. Unless there be an army or dragons or sommit, he'd not be disturbed."

"Do we mention the army of the dead that is on the move?" commented Loldirr just loud enough for all to hear, "And what is it about this place and dragons!"

Ethelston raised his hand slightly, encouraging Loldirr to remain quiet. Arminell seemed to just look at her in disgust. "Aye, dragons." he commented.

"Arminell, you seem like a diligent soldier." Ethelston commented edging a little closer to him.

"Twenty-five years of diligent service to the Lords of Ravenscourt. Never complained a day." Arminell gloated.

A grunt came from his comrade, which he ignored turning his eyes back towards Ethelston.

Edging a little closer Ethelston knew it would not be long before he would be entering the keep. "That I could imagine. And you have a couple of boys, a girl, happy wife?"

The soldier nodded, the metal of his coif rattling as he did so. "Aye, though my boys are on the front serving the Emperor's war." Arminell continued.

Ethelston couldn't help hearing some resentment in his voice at the mention of the war.

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