Break Down

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Maya-Jay Ray POV:

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Maya-Jay Ray POV:

"Mrs. Lodge, this is the last time I'm going to be collecting checks like these." I said. 

"Maya as a concerned adult, what is wrong? You haven't said 1 snarky comment, nor any sarcasm, and you haven't made any threats." Mrs Lodge says. 

"I seen my parents." I said. 


"Don't worry I didn't talk to them, I wanted to, but I didn't. I wanted to confront them and tell them what they did has caused me more trauma than anything. I mean how is it fair? How is it fair that they get to leave me and fend for myself?! I don't get it." I cried. 

Now this is a side no one has ever seen. 


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"No! Don't I seen them, okay. They look happy, why can't I be happy? I haven't done anything to anyone. I didn't mean to hurt anyone." I cried. 

Next move was weird. Mrs. Lodge hugged me, it wasn't awkward it felt like she meant it. We were there for a little while until her daughter Veronica came in. 

"Mother dear-oh." She said.

Mrs lodge secretly handed me over the check and I quickly left, I didn't even bother to look at Veronica. No one has ever seen me cry, I never imagined it. 


As I was packing my bag I got a call from jughead to meet him at the Southside high. I rode my motorcycle down to the school to see serpents chained up to the school. 

"What the hell are you guys doing?" I asked them.

"Protesting, so you wanna get chained up?" Jug asked me. 

"Are you crazy?" I asked him. 

"Yes." He simply said. 

I caved in and jug chained me up to the school, now if I knew I was going to be out here for a bit, I would've brought a blanket or an extra jacket. I was standing next to Sweetpea and he kept trying to start conversation but I kept shutting him down.

"Maya please, just talk to me." He begged. 

"How are you doing today Sweets? Weather is unbelievably cold this morning." I said. 

"Maya." Sweet pea says. 

"Sweet pea." I said.

"Fine, whatever Maya-Jay.... I love you." He said. 

I looked up at him and he meant it. I didn't say anything back, I didn't want him to think that I love him and I leave again. Just like last time. 


"I think I'm getting frostbite." Someone complains.

"Alright guys, you guys can get a break. Warm up, get a coffee or something." Jug says unchaining us.

"Oh thank god." I said. 

"Maya come with me." Sweet pea says to me. 

I followed him and we went to his trailer. 

"Are my clothes still here?" I asked him.

"I never touched it, still in your drawer." He says to me.

I grabbed my clothes and left to the restroom, I quickly took a shower and changed into fresh dry clothes. I walked out and see Sweetpea with burgers from pops. 

"Here I got you coke and coffee." He says to me. 

"Take a shower please, and change." I tell him. 

He left and I was left with the food and I was hungry. Hopefully jug won't bitch about us breaking the hunger strike. As I ate Sweetpea came out. 

"Best burgers ever." I said as I finished my burger. 

He laughed at me and got to eating because we had to get back to the school and protest.


"Unbelievable, don't touch me." I told the boy that was cutting off my chains. 

I was undeniably cold and we just got kicked off the school. As a little anger was in me, I was cold and I want to go home.


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