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Maya-Jay Ray POV:

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Maya-Jay Ray POV:

I was in the high schools principal's office with Mrs Lodge, lately she's been wanting me to be around her a lot more which is weird, I haven't figured out her plan yet but I will soon. 

"Heathers the musical? Now how, in gods name is a play about teen violence and suicide a good idea in riverdale? Especially after the tragedy of last years musical?" Mrs Lodge asked our principal 

"Please Mayor Lodge. Yes heathers deals with teen alienation and desperation, but it's characters long for simpler, more innocent times. It's ultimate message is a rejection of nihilism. If you'll just listen to the lyrics of the first song." Kevin says. 

"Seems like a cry for help to me." I said uninterested in the play.

"Evelyn." Kevin says. 

Evelyn presses play and music started playing. Next thing we all knew Kevin broke out singing beautiful from heathers. He walked out of the office and the principal, mayor, and other concerned parents, followed them out and they had a whole routine. I followed the mayor and this was definitely like a flash mob. 

"You know anything about this maya?" Mrs Lodge whispers to me. 

"No, I've been too busy hanging with you smart one." I whisper to her. 

She gave me a look for calling her 'smart one,' we walked in a classroom where it continued. I seen fangs, sweet pea, Josie, Archie, Mantle, and Evelyn, how did she get there, I thought she was with us.

"Are all of you this miserable?" Mrs Lodge asks them. 

We followed Kevin out the classroom and he explains the characters, Cheryl, Betty, and Veronica are playing Heathers. 

"I want you to join, be my eyes

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"I want you to join, be my eyes." Mrs Lodge says and she quickly left with the other authorities, leaving me to follow these drama queens. 


"Greetings heathers family. Now before we start today, there's been a slight change to our creative team. You all know Evelyn evernever has been helping me produce the musical. But I also asked Evelyn to step up and be my co director." Kevin says. 

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