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"Are you serious?" I asked in shock. But the expression on my parent's face answered my question.

"But why? Why now? I'm in the middle of my junior year, you said I'd graduate here." I pleaded with my parents, but their faces remained stern. They meant serious business. I sighed in displeasure.

"Oh come on sweetheart, it'll be a nice change in scenery! Forks has beautiful mountains and tall trees." My mother said smiling. She stood up off of the couch and brushed a piece of hair behind my ear. She smiled a small small, green speckled eyes glossy with life.

My mother had always been the most beautiful person in my eyes. Her brown hair was short and thick, cut to compliment the frame of her face. Her skin was dark and tan, making the freckles that spotted her cheeks prominent on her face.

I've always wished I could've looked more like her. Instead, my brother Tyler and I got our fathers looks. Don't get me wrong, my father was a very handsome man, but no girl wants to look exactly like her father.

The only thing I got from my mother was the green eyes.

"Besides, you'll get to see your brother almost every day now." She said hugging me. The small remembrance of my older brother Tyler made me smile. I had to admit I did miss him. I hadn't seen him since he moved back to Forks when he turned 18 a couple years ago.

My family and I are originally from Forks. Tyler and I were both born there, but my family and I moved to Virginia when I was around 5 years old. Since we left when I was so young, I don't really remember Forks a lot. Which makes this sudden move all the more difficult for me to handle. But now we're going back, and who knows what will happen when we do.


I sighed heaving my body up the wooden stairs. It was time to break the news to all my friends. By friends I mean my best friend Stella. We've been friends since I could remember, she was my go-to for years, and now it's like she's being ripped away from my grasp.

"Hello?" Her small voice came across the phone. Though it was just a simple greeting, hearing the sound of her voice caused my eyes to well up.

"Gen? Hello? Hey, are you alright?" She asked quickly, concerned at my lack of response. Though a million words wracked my brain, my voice couldn't find the courage to say any of them. I began to freely sob over the phone.

"Hey Gen, I'll be there in 10." She said worriedly, quickly hanging up the phone.

Around half an hour later I heard a knocking coming from the front door. Sighing, I hoist myself off of the warm bed. My eyes were swollen and the dried tears on my cheeks felt cold in the air. I quickly make my way to the door, sighing in relief when I finally feel the embrace of Stella. Though this didn't help my mental state, as I began to sob uncontrollably again, harder this time. I knew this might be one of the last moments I got to have with her before I moved across the country.

She comfortingly rubbed my back. Stella grabbed my shoulders and shakes me slightly, a look of worry washing over her features when she notices just how hard I'm crying.

"Genevieve Rose Brown, tell me what the hell is happening?"

The only thing I had the energy to do is nod my head. I grab her hand and lead her to my room upstairs.


"What?!" Stella exclaims loudly. I quickly hush her in fear of my parents waking up. It was around 12am now and I was beginning to feel the exhaustion of today's events.

"Washington is like halfway across the country! How will I ever see you again!" She exclaims now whisper yelling at me. I sigh and shake my head. "I've got no clue what I'm gonna do, I mean yea I was born there. But I was raised here in Virginia with you, I barely even remember Forks." I said quietly, my tears threatening to spill again.

I look up towards Stella who had a sad expression written on her face.

"Have you told Sam yet?" She asked me. My eyes grew wide. "Oh my god, I completely forgot to tell him." I quickly grabbed my phone and began to type a text out to him.

"You forgot to tell your own boyfriend of 3 years that you're moving across the country and may never see him again?" She asked, sarcasm lacing her words and she chuckled at me. I shot her a playful glare and continued to type out my message. Sam and I met in middle school but didn't start dating until Freshman year of High School.

I knew I loved Sam, but lately, he's been growing distant from me, but maybe that was a good thing. Maybe that would make it easier on him when I eventually leave. A few minutes later my phone dings from its spot on the bed. I pick it up, anticipating the worst.

'I'm a little busy now, talk tomorrow?'

My face dropped at the short response. Was he not even sad that his girlfriend just told him she was moving all the way across the country? Did he not even care?

My chest riddle with a pang of hurt. I guess I'd have to see what he wants to say tomorrow. Stella looked at me with pity in her eyes but I brushed her off. I set my phone down and sighed. What was my life turning into? One minute I'm in the prime of my life, with a wonderful best friend and a loving boyfriend.

The next minute I'm told I'm moving halfway across the country, my boyfriend doesn't even seem to care and I may not see Stella for a very long time.

I slowly laid in the bed onto my back, gazing up at the ceiling, counting the white tiles above.

Anything to distract me from the warm tears and the aching in my chest.

A/N: does anyone still read Twilight fanfics in 2020? NOT REALLY. But here we are. I hope you enjoyed this kind of boring chapter, I hope to make it more interesting in the next chapters. -J

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