After Hannah finished the ritual circle, they immediately performed the spell.

"We are calling out to you demons, In this community we look over."  His mother started.  "Leave this plane at once and return to your home."

Members of the coven's eyes glowed.  Magic was radiating through the area.  Hunter felt weak in the knees, the ritual felt like too much to him this has never happened to him.

"Hunter..." Zekaj barely spoke in his mind.  He was feeling it too.

"Leave at once!"  His father yelled.  Throwing a potion into the middle of the circle, sparks of red shot into the area dissipating into the area all around the community their coven looked over.  Humans would not be able to see this magic.

Hunter's knees immediately buckled, and he fell to the floor, catching his fall with his hands.  His entire body started vibrating, it felt like he was being ripped in two.

"Hunter!" His father screamed.  Leaving the circle to comfort his son.

"What's happening to him?" His mother asked.  Many of the coven members had left the room to give them space.  Shadow was seeping in and out of his skin.

"I don't know." His father said.  The pain in Hunter's body subsided and he could stand up, with the help of his father.  The shadow had stopped too.

"Zekaj?"  He whispered in his mind.  There was no response.

With the pain going through his body, and Zekaj possibly being gone, he began to cry.


In the middle of the night, Hunter woke up in his bed looking around the room for Zekaj.  Immediately he remembered how he was never able to contact him in his head.

His parents believed a demon had attacked him when it was forced to leave.  They thought it tried to take over Hunter, or pull his soul into the underworld.  Hunter knew better than that.

Hunter became overwhelmed with emotion again and began to cry. He couldn't bear the thought of him being gone.  Suddenly he felt the familiar feeling of Zekaj leaving his body.  The darkness seeped out of his skin into the form of Zekaj.

Immediately the shadowy form of Zekaj fell into Hunter's arms, his legs had given out as soon as he left Hunter's body.

"We shouldn't have been so close to the spell."  Zekaj laughed.  His glowing pale-gold eyes staring back at him.  "If we weren't so close we'd been fine."

Hunter immediately pulled him into a hug.  Tears continued to fall.

"I- I- I thought you were gone."  Hunter whispered.  His demon was in his arms again.

"I told you I'm not going anywhere."  Zekaj said.  "It took all my energy not to get whisked away to hell.  It would've given us away.  I passed out completely.  I-" He paused.  "I could feel you.  You were upset, I needed to come out."

"But are you ok?  I could've handled it-"  Hunter was cut off.  He was going to say that he could've handled him being gone for as long as he needed.

"And let you be upset for hours thinking I'm gone?"  Zekaj said.  "I don't like it when you're sad."  Zekaj wiped away Hunter's tears with his thumb.

Zekaj's body had went from a figure of shadow back to the demon form Hunter was familiar with.

"My parents think a demon attacked me."

"I would've killed them before they had the chance."  Zekaj was back to his cocky attitude, his smile becoming goofy.  "They would have seen me, Demon Lord Zekaj, and immediately pissed their pants."

Hunter rolled his eyes.

"Then everyone would've clapped.  Right?"  Hunter replied sarcastically.  "Oh Zekaj, mighty powerful Zekaj!"

"Hopefully!  It wouldn't hurt to have some clapping every now and then."  Zekaj smiled.  Zekaj didn't get the joke, like usual.  "I need sleep."

Zekaj immediately fell onto Hunter's bed and sprawled out under the blankets.  Hunter laughed as he saw Zekaj, in demon form, immediately fall asleep.  He deserved the rest after keeping them together.

Hunter pushed Zekaj over in the bed so he could crawl in.

"I'm sorry for making you worry." He murmured in his sleep.

"It's fine Zekaj," Hunter laughed, "If you got sucked down into Hell, I would've marched my ass down to Hell and gotten you back myself."

"I could've traveled back here, I'm still connected to you." Zekaj mumbled.

"So you can travel back and forth?"  Hunter whispered.  Travel between the underworld and the upperworld (Earth).  The only realm to travel to was the spirit world, but this required magic or the occasional rift in the world, but those were rare.  It was surprising to Hunter, since he always learned there was no way to the underworld.

"Only because of this, it keeps me connected to you." he grabbed Hunter's hand and his mark on his hand glowed an eerie gold.  "Not that I have any intention on going back there.  Like I said, you're stuck with me.  Now let me sleep."

"Do you not miss anyone down there?"  Hunter asked.  He didn't know much about Zekaj's life before they came together.

"A little bit."  Zekaj mumbled.  "Not enough to go visit them."

"Like who?" Hunter asked.  "If you don't mind me asking."

"My parents and brother."

"I didn't know you had a brother.  I assumed you had parents, but not a brother."

"Yeah, he's kinda like me."

"Cocky?" Hunter laughed.

"I like to say overconfident, but sure."  Zekaj laughed.

Their conversation ended there.  Hunter thought if he would ever get to meet Zekaj's parents and brother.  Zekaj knew all about him and his family, but Hunter didn't know much about Zekaj's. 

Hunter sat and watched Zekaj sleep, his features becoming soft, but his eyebrows furrowed a bit, like he was deep in thought.  Zekaj was in a deep sleep.

Finally, Hunter went to sleep just like Zekaj.  In the night Zekaj had pulled his human into his arms, holding on tight, never letting go.

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