jk; "love tends to rot when it is not wanted"

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author's note;
I was re reading this story and I just thought I should write a short chapter about the story in Jungkook's pov.

God this is so dirty.🥵💦


"Y/N, will you marry me?" I finally built up the courage to ask her this question.

I knelt on one knee like how they say I should. I took her to the best restaurant in the city, rented it for the night so we'll be the only two people around, brought her favorite flowers, picked her up from her house— it was every girl's dream proposal and I did it for her. I did everything for her because she is the one. She's the girl of my dreams. Ever since I met her, I haven't been able to convince myself otherwise.

She looked surprised and happy as I hold out the ring I picked for her which now sits perfectly on her ring finger. The embrace came quickly and I hold the single most valuable person in my life. She cried while hiding her face against my neck and I comforted her with a kiss on her temple.

I love her so much. She's the only person I need and I cannot live without. Everyone else can walk out of my life but not her. She can't ever leave me. I won't let her go.

We got married right away as I wanted. Just a simple ceremony with close friends and family. She didn't want a big wedding. It was always her dream to get married in a beautiful garden when everything was in full bloom and I made it happen for her. Before we knew it, it was over. The day has ended and we are wed. She is mine and I, hers.

Everything was well during the first year of our marriage. She always took care of me and I made sure to make her happy every single day. I didn't let a day pass without showing her that I love her and she is the most important person in my life. I molded myself into the perfect husband that every woman wanted to have. All for her.

That same year, I took over the family business. It's not something I should be proud of. I haven't been completely transparent with Y/N regarding our family business. She knew that my family owns a big company and only that. I never told her that everything our family deals with is illegal. My grandfather founded the organization and my father inherited it from him, grew it even bigger, so I was expected to the same.

Every day, I kissed her good bye and told her I'm going to work. She would think I'll be sitting in an office, but the truth is, my hands are soiled. The first time I killed a person, my hands shook uncontrollably and my father hit me on my face for reacting that way. He said I should stand tall and never show fear. He said respect is earned and, in return, I must always show my people that I am worth their loyalty.

Work started getting better for me. I was gaining the respect of my Father's people and soon, they were my people. My father was right, if you want success, you shouldn't be afraid of getting your hands dirty.

After awhile, killing didn't bother me anymore. I didn't feel anything— no guilt, no remorse, nothing. It became easier like falling into a routine. At the moment, I did not realize what that has cost me. I was high off the money and authority. Anything other than that, I simply ignored.

I met business partners and made more deals, but that's when my marriage began to suffer. Y/N has no knowledge of everything related to my work. I think about telling her when I hold her every night and when I make love to her, the thought crossed my mind countless of times yet I decided to keep it to myself, because what if she hates me for it? What if she leaves me? That can't ever happen. I cannot live without her.

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