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fmv; jeonvmin

Jungkook sent the beaten man on the floor with a thundering slap across his face. He tortured the man until he spoke and told them the truth. "Fucking tell me who ordered you to spy on my gang!"

The man, whose face was no longer distinguishable from the blood and the swollen parts of his face, could no longer speak as his body twitched from the pain. Jungkook turned to Hoseok, "Make him talk. Cut his fingers off or something, just get me something out of him."

"This is a lot of work." Hoseok sighed and approached the poor man, crouching down to his level, "Hey, you don't really want me to cut your fingers off, do you? I don't too man so talk already."

"Hey Jungkook, you're on the TV again." Yoongi turned the volume up as the news flashed Jungkook's name in big, bold letters. "You're even more famous than those shitty actors on that drama I watch."

"They can't touch me no matter what they do. They don't even know my face. " Jungkook smirked. "I can shoot them point blank and they won't even know it."

He laughed, walking away, "Let them run around like the idiots that they are."

Jungkook sat back on his chair, eyes closed as he savored the silence of his office. He liked spending quiet moments like this, his mind works best in silence. He opened his eyes when the knock he was expecting came sooner on his door. "Come in."

Taehyung came in, putting a smile on Jungkook's face. He put the phone down on his table. "Did you tell anyone?"

"No. I did just as you told me to." Taehyung spoke, looking straight at Jungkook. A deeply troubled look on his face, "This is all I can do. I can't do anything beyond this. Even if I owe you my life, I will not kill a friend."

"Fair enough." Jungkook shrugged his shoulders and got in his hands the evidence of her treachery. The video clearly showed her enjoying herself, making Jungkook clench tightly on the phone. Taehyung did not move a muscle or even blink when Jungkook smashed the device as he threw it on the floor.

Jungkook clenched his jaw and gritted his teeth, "I'm going to enjoy killing him myself."

"Jungkook, it's Jimin. He's still your friend." Taehyung tried talking to him but jealousy and anger had taken control of his judgment.

"Friend?" Jungkook could only laugh at Taehyung's innocent notion. He stared right at his eyes, "What kind of friend fucks another's wife behind his back? Y/N is mine."


"Cut the shit, Taehyung!" Jungkook was growing tired of the long debate when the solution is very clear. Kill Jimin. "There's only two choices for you: Kill a friend or leave the gang. I've given you enough mercy by letting you choose. Don't forget who saved you when you needed saving."

"It was me. Not your friend. I pulled you out of that shit hole not Jimin." Jungkook added, but he couldn't make Taehyung change his decision.

"I still can't do it." Taehyung said, "I'd rather leave."

"Fine. Go. But if you tell anyone about this," Jungkook formed a gun with his fingers and aimed it at Taehyung, "Bang."

Jungkook leaned back into his chair and watched as Taehyung leave. He hated that Taehyung chose Jimin over him just like she did. He smiled as he rolled a bullet between his fingers, the bullet that will suck the life out of him. He could imagine it; the sound of his gun, the blood, her screaming in the background.

What a masterpiece.


Jimin awoke to the excruciating pain on his lower abdomen, the inflamed flesh made him roll to his unaffected side. He thought about how it happened, how no one was there but him and the corpse that could no long pull the trigger. He doesn't remember where the bullet came from but he remembered seeing a shadow lurking behind him when he fell to his knees. Could it be that he knew? Thinking back to his words that day, it all pointed to one thing. Jungkook knew about him and Y/N.

If he knows then Y/N is in danger. Jimin needed to take her away but where? There's nowhere they can run. He's not going to let her go that easy but Jungkook's not going to kill her. That's one thing he wouldn't do.

The searing pain made him hiss as he moved himself to the bathroom. Slowly, he pulled off the edges of the blood soaked dressing, beads of sweat building up on his forehead as he cleaned the wound and covered it up again.

He put on a clean shirt and went to Jungkook's mansion. He needed to act as if he's not guilty if ever Jungkook hasn't found out yet and also because he knows Y/N will be worried sick if she doesn't see him.

Jimin entered the living room and found everyone present except for one, "Where's Taehyung?"

No one spoke so Jimin repeated his question, "Where the fuck is Taehyung?"

"He's gone." Jin's fingers froze as he stopped playing with his game.

Namjoon lifted his head up from his slumber, "Taehyung doesn't belong in this gang anymore."

Jimin cursed under hid breath. He turned around, about to leave when he saw Y/N with Jungkook. He smiled at him, his hand on her waist. Jimin averted his gaze from her and walked right past them silently, only his heavy footsteps made noise.

"It's useless to try to find him." Jungkook spoke, turning his head a bit towards Jimin, "Come and stay with us. Y/N's cooking dinner."

Jimin met her eyes and noticed the reddish-purple mark on the base of her neck which she quickly hid by covering it with her hand. He hated thinking about it, what Jungkook does to her, what he makes her do. It made him mad.

"Thanks but I'm full."

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