I'd rather kill him mate.

Start from the beginning

"Good morning," she smiled back.

Well that was dreadful. I just wanted to see if my 'cheerful' attitude worked and by the results I say it did. Maybe not all Mystic Falls residents are completely wary of everyone.

Still, I can't believe that stupid mutt of a Hybrid allowed himself to get close enough to the Hunter. Yeah, because Connor would just bite the ear with a bar in it to be weird.

It's called an escape plan.

And it had worked.

After another few minutes, I had made it to the Grill. I always did wonder why they called it that, like they don't even grill anything here. It's all burgers, curly fries, coffee and alcohol.

Stupid town.

"What are you doing here, Aria."

I sighed, suddenly irritated. I turned in my seat at the bar and glared at the Witch. "You lot really do know how to say the wrong things, don't you?"

Before she could respond, I latched onto her arm and with my speed, we were surrounded by forestry immediately.

Bonnie was sent flying into the ground with a scream. It was amusing, I think, that this up herself Witch thought she could talk to me in that tone and not receive any consequences in return.

The girls tumble stopped with a thud as her body hit the base of an old tree. No doubt severely bruising her ribs.

I don't think she's lucky enough to have one broken.


"What," Bonnie gasped for air, finding breathing incredibly hard. "W-What was that f-for?"

"I'm an Original darling," I mused, straightening my leather jacket. I shoved my hands into the pockets of my black skinny jeans. "You don't show me respect, like you should. It's a bad call on your part."

Bonnie winced, leaning against the tree she hit as she rose to her feet.

Instead of answering me, she began muttering latin. The little shit was trying to save herself.

Within a moment I had my hand wrapped around her throat, pinning her to another tree. The force I was pushing her with, caused the younger sapling to shake violently.

"Trying to send me a migraine are we?" I taunted, a sickly sweet tone invading my voice. "I didn't even think you were that, stupid. I mean, come on! Your mother died, you lost your powers, pretty sure you may have died yourself somewhere in that mix and no doubt that daddy of yours will perish too. All because of Elena Gilbert. That and your grandmother."


"Yes, yes, she's your friend, blah blah blah. Listen kiddo, you have to start understanding the concept of death and destruction if you truly want to come against my family. All we actually wanted was Elena to die so we'd unleash our Werewolf side. Could of used the elixir I created, it would of worked you know. That and what's the big deal of taking some blood every so often?"

Bonnie kept struggling against my hold. Useless, I know, but she was just a mortal.

I sighed again, throwing her to the ground before kicking her in the stomach with limited force. Witches are humans, mortals, unblessed with the healing ability Elena, now has.

"Elena always has to have it her way." I hissed, "I hate the lot of you. How dare you kill my brother. People have tried for centuries!" I roared, gripping Bonnies shirt, I again, made her fly through the air. Her screams pierced the otherwise silent forest. "They failed! You happened to live in the one stupid place of that damn tree."

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