I'd rather kill him mate.

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I grabbed her throat tightly, cutting off all air supply as she dangled in the air.

Her weak attempts to evade me had failed.

"Honestly, why you bother to live on is beyond my comprehension, love." I mused, throwing her across the room. "How could anyone fall for a pathetic girl like you?"

"P-Please," Elena begged, blood spluttering from her mouth from the wounds I'd inflicted. The girl weakly pulled out a shard of wood from her side. "S-Stop."

"Uh, why?" I grinned. Elena was on her hands and knees, trying to plea for her existence, yet all I saw was another opportunity. I hooked my foot and kicked her in the stomach, sending her body flying up and backwards, smashing into a small glass coffee table. "We're having so much fun Elena, tell me why we should stop this little get together."

"I'm t-the Doppelganger-"

I cut her off with a laugh. I walked over to her, leaning down a little, I grabbed her jaw tightly and yanked her up, so she was on her knees in front of me.

"So you honestly think you have a use to my brother? Your another Katherine now. A Vampire that needs to be extinguished from this earth."

"T-then why did y-your brother save me." She whispered, watery eyes starring up at me. "He could of just l-let the Werewolf venom k-kill me b-but he d-didn't."

I hissed, releasing my grip. Grabbing a leg of the glass table she'd smashed, I thrust it into her back, just below her heart.

She was dead, for now.

"Pathetic girl," I muttered. Sighing, I took out my phone. "Nik, you better have an actual reason as to why your playing nice guy and saving Elena from death."

"You know why, sister." He answered, I could tell he was smirking.


"Uh, using the weapon, on her is stupidity beyond belief. Hybrids are not worth her being alive. We'll just make Jeremy have a kid, in a few hundred years you'll have another Doppelganger."

"We have a Hunter now, it will go as planned. No killing her."

"Well I already have," I admitted, frowning down at my heeled boot. I groaned, wiping her blood off on the grass beside the pathway. I decided walking was a better option this fine morning.

He chuckled, "have fun did we?"

"Yeah," I said, glancing around briefly. A few people were out, some joggers, some old people gardening... "The bitch is annoying, what can I say."

"I'd say you could torment her brother, but we need him for the tattoo." He said, "and Stefan is also apart of the plan. Any other is fine, so long as the immediate three aren't killed."

"Well," I started, a sadistic smile forming on my lips, "only if Steffy dearest doesn't say a word about the plan."

"He knows what will happen if he does." Nik sighed, a moment passed before he spoke. "The Hunter will come out of hiding soon enough. Stefan will make sure he isn't killed."

I rolled my eyes, relying on Stefan's ability to do shit was a mistake. "Yeah, yeah, how's Italy by the way?"

"Scenic," he mused. "I've almost recovered the sword. I will be home soon, little sister."

"Well, just say hi to Elijah for me. Oh and make sure none of the workers know after its found." Before he could retort back I hung up. "Morning," I nodded cheerily at an elderly lady trimming her rose bush.

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