"And you're Papa's friend! Nice to meet you, Mr. Fallacy!"Ghastly says

"Nice to meet you too..."Fallacy says

"Does that mean Mr. Encre is here too?"Ghastly asks

"Someone call me? Oh! Bonjour monsieur!"Encre says, coming over to Ghastly

"This is my new friend!"Jasper says proudly

"Bonjour Encre! It's nice to meet you! My Papa and Jasper have told me about you! You're very cool!"Ghastly says

"Oh, how interesting! Wait, is your Papa...?"Encre begins to ask

"Yep!"Ghastly says

"Oh! It's such a pleasure to meet you as well! I've heard from your Papa about you! You are a very good kid and he loves you a lot!"Encre says, hugging Ghastly

"Wait...What are you doing here when you're grounded?"He asks

"Mr. Reaper told me that Killer went to help Papa and I knew that meant trouble, so I wanted to make sure he is ok!"Ghastly replies

"Ghastly, what's this in your hand?"Jasper asks

"Oh! This is my favorite toy! It reminds me of Papa!"Ghastly replies

It's a purple octopus.

"Wait, he's Nightmare the were-octopus' son?"Fallacy asks

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"Wait, he's Nightmare the were-octopus' son?"Fallacy asks

"Heh, so it's true you call him that!"Ghastly says

He looks to me.

"Is he?"He asks

I nod.

Fallacy scoops all three of them into a hug. Ghastly smiles and laughs, but then uses a blue attack to drag me into the hug as well.

"Is Papa okay?"He whispers

"Haven't seen or heard anything."I reply

"Then go. I'll keep them busy."He says, then sends me on my way

I land on the top of the stairs and head off. I move carefully, knowing that if someone catches me I'll be sent back downstairs or yelled at. I see Reaper leave a room. He opens a portal and leaves. I go to the room he just left.

I peek in and see Nightmare reformed and laying in bed under a blanket. He is no longer a soul. He has many monitors attatched to him and tracking different rates of his. He has part of his head in his hostile form and has a tentacle in sight. I smile. Joy fills me. I am so happy to see his state and how okay he seems. And, he always looks cute when he is sleeping.

I see Geno asleep on a chair. He looks exhausted. I know he's been working until now to help him. He deserves rest. But this is my chance to check on him. I go inside and leave the door open a crack, the way I found it. I come over and check his stats. I have no clue what those monitors are saying or what they mean, better the classic way.

ErrorInk:To Be Enemies Or Not To Be EnemiesWhere stories live. Discover now