Chapter 113: Startling News

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Meanwhile in the City; a week later

"You really screwed up this time, Aiden," Paige shook her head. The Illusionist sat on the other end of the interrogation table, her kaleidoscope eyes shifted to emotional colors of a caution yellow and a shocking white. Others had been impressed by the use of magic, others before the war who knew her would see her as a freak of genetics. It would explain why she was - and remained as into her later years - an orphan her whole life. "You said we were fighting for change in the City, but this is terrorism!"

Aiden had changed over the many weeks since the Tournament. While he kept his body relatively the same, his skin took on a paler hue while his arms were covered in mystic tattoos; his green eyes had a desire for more power similar to a pack of starving man-eating wolves. It seemed like an insight into his true megalomaniac personality.

"It's not terrorism," Aiden denied, although his smug attitude and faint smile exposed a brief reveal of satisfaction. "I prefer to call it: an extreme complaint about the unsatisfied societal norms."

That last statement is the only thing he is being honest about, and Paige would have called him out on it for he has an infamous reputation in the City, and it only got worse after the events of the Tournament.

Because Aiden did not keep it secret that he hated the Templars.

In his mind, after he was imprisoned he felt he was wronged and blamed everyone but himself. When Jess framed him as the abductor of Jennifer, he was an easy target to hate considering his group's hubris. After he was released when Lukas bailed him out, arrogance and rage had started fueling his justification to lash out at everyone who refused to help him.

With no other choice, he ventured outside the City into the war-torn world. Paige didn't know what happened – Gill seemed to be the only one in on it – but when Aiden returned, his confidence had skyrocketed: a dangerous combination for someone so emotionally volatile.

Suddenly Aiden was more reclusive to go outside – not outside the City, but his own house - investing his time into what he discovered when he ventured outside, only letting Gill in on it. When Aiden emerged from his home with a higher level and newfound magic, he felt unstoppable; he felt he was owed, and would go through extreme lengths to get what he felt was deserved.

After the events of the Tournament, after the bodies were identified and buried, and more would leave the City to seek vengeance against Jess, Aiden publicly blamed Lisa and the Templars who worked under her, openly causing a nuisance ever since she left with her husband and his friends.

He blamed them for Lukas' death, yet it was this loss he realized if the Templars couldn't stop one woman from terrorizing the City, or prevent the murder of a dear friend, then why should he be afraid? To Aiden, the Templars' strength was exaggerated, and with his newfound power, he planned to prove to everyone he is right.

So with a lack of respect for the protectors of the City, combined with his pride and ambition, a dark plan started to form.

"It doesn't matter what you call it, Aiden," Paige stressed, her eyes shifting to a frustrated red and stressed grey hue. "The Templars could lock you up for good for what you did!"

"There is no way they can prove what I did," Aiden rolled his eyes at her concern, a rarity someone of his personality will ever experience. "They have no way to prove that I did it – the Templars are useless when it comes to bringing justice!" He shouted, making Paige flinch. "They should have done something when Lukas was killed, and they didn't do a thing! So I'm taking matters into my own hands!"

At that moment the tattoos on his arms crackle with chaotic energy and Paige then Scribed him to confirm her suspicions.

[Aiden] Level 400

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2020 ⏰

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