Chapter 97: Deicide Part 2

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Raven was falling. Her wound that PAMA inflicted is heavily bleeding as her blood dripped into the air; her black feathers scattered around her to join the crimson liquid in the free-fall.

As the platform was raised high into the air from underground, she was leaning against the walls when the undead colossuses ripped them away. And with her wounds, she couldn't resist much to prevent falling off.

Beneath the platform, a large vertical pillar of blood extended right back to the underground source, in that hidden room. Raven could swore she saw a woman inside that pillar, swimming down the pillar of blood, carrying Luke's body as she froze the blood behind her.

Could it be because of that woman, the blood was able to extend up with the platform? Raven knew she had to get back up there, Jesse needs her help; his wife is free from PAMA but she's bleeding to death!

She thanked Notch that her book snagged onto her belt when she fell. She casted <Heal> on her wounds and spread her wings-

Kill me...

She looked down at the source of the voice to see a large snake made out of carbon, formed with the twisted agonizing bodies of people while they burned into a crisp.

Raven flapped her wings and ascended away from the monster as it quickly coiled around the pillar of blood, easily catching up to Raven's altitude before lunging at her with its segmented mouth wide open.

It's canine mouth unhinged and hissed to reveal a tunnel of rotten intestines and teeth within. Raven casted <Creation> to form a vertical platform of divine energy by her side before kicking it to launch her body out of the way.

The large snake abomination passed by her as it arced towards the ground, but not before a familiar homunculus burst out from the side, screaming with his scythe in his clawed hands as rotten intestines and bits of bones splattered out, and swung at Raven with his weapon with enough force to send her crashing away into the snowy ground.

Raven managed to cast <Shield> before colliding into the snow, forming her own crater not to far away from the one in the homunculus made.

Her body felt sore as she climbed out of her crater. She casted <Heal> on the large bleeding wound from her left shoulder to her right hip; caused by the homunculus' scythe. A huge shockwave kicked up the snow, knocked her back into her crater when the snake-like beast crashed into the ground.

Raven heard the screaming bodies of carbon as she heard the homunculus laughing. 'Why is he here?' She thought in alarm as the homunculus called out her name.

Raven, crouching down in her crater, looked up at the platform, the sounds of fighting can be heard even from this far away. If the homunculus is close, then at least she can stall him; he won't stop when it comes to killing people, and she's no exception.

Raven jumped out of her crater, stretching her wings to fold onto her back as she had to try and not to vomit at the sight and smell of the homunculus pull himself out of the flaming carbon snake he made, using his scythe as a crutch.

Odd colored blood and puss popped and pooled onto the snowy ground. The people he absorbed continued the thrash and scream and cry as he ripped his body out, standing naked on a shallow puddle of body fluids mixed in the snow.

'If he can do that, what else can he form?' Raven pondered, remembering his colossal body. She saw intestines attached to his back, connecting him to the snake he made. His decayed body seemed to rot even more while his blonde hair took on a deader hue.

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