Chapter 82: Clockwork Part 7

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In the Offering room, some of the blood pool has been drained, but it is more than enough. Once again it pulsed like a heart, but it flooded out of the hole, and pooled over the quartz floor.

The blood glowed a dark red and flowed towards the chest Axel placed Isa in. It warmly wrapped around her naked body, flowing into her wounds as the symbols on her arms pulsed in sync with the blood.

Isa's skin retained a slightly healthier glow, although still pale. Her eyes snapped open revealing green eyes that glowed a dark red.

Six needle-like legs made of blood curved out from her back, piercing the chest before ripping it to splinters. Isa's sharp blood limbs pierced the quartz floor, raising her up as the blood continued to flow out of the deep hole in the center.

Isa walked closer to the deep pool of blood using her newly made limbs of blood to advance; her spine was severed when Milo stabbed her through the stomach, making her unable to use her natural legs.

Isa willed the spilled blood to wrap around her body, hardening to make a smooth dress of crimson from the neck down to her toes as it had the texture and image of flowing liquid. Not a single drop of blood was out of place as the dress became solid, thick, and yet wavy. Beautiful.

The former ruler of Sky City inhaled the metallic scent of blood as a wave of nostalgia and dark memories returned. But Jess would help her in her revenge, and avenging Reginald: the one man who cared about her, and cared for her when she was vulnerable.

It's so sad what happened to him: burned alive as his eyes boiled from the inside out; blinding him while the intense heat damaged his brain, causing him to lose most of his memories.

He didn't die, thankfully, but now he needs constant watch. Reginald developed an "innocent" personality, doing everything with a smile, helping others, feeling sadness but ultimately wanting to help others.

In Jess blunt words, he acts like a child, and doesn't know that the bad actions he is doing is wrong... especially when it comes to eating people.

It started so innocent; all he wanted to do was protect her from soldier from the Kingdom of Sand. That female soldier tried to capture her, taking Isa away to the very kingdom that started the Triple Devastation.

Reginald retaliated by tackling the soldier to the ground, but without any magic, and his body severely damaged, he couldn't win... that is until he chomped down on that soldier's throat.

Isa watched in disturbing horror as the female soldier screamed in agony while Reginald ripped chunks of flesh off her body. He didn't stop as she screamed, or when a few of his teeth fell out due to the rough material of the armor the soldier was wearing.

But after Reginald had his full, he started to cry as the rain poured down from the sky. Not because of what he did, he doesn't know that it's wrong to eat people, he was sorry that he couldn't do anything to protect Isa.

Despite what he did, his motives were, and still are, pure. 'I want to protect the Founder' is his desire, so innocent and kind. What kind of monster would take that away from him?

At that moment, Isa just realized that she's not so different from the motherless abomination that she was sent to help.

They're both freaks, this world of idiots turned their backs on them, someone screwed them over and made their lives miserable, and they're both trying to avenge someone they care about.

Maybe that's why she decided to do this: empathy and compassion. But Isa knew that she just wants the knowledge that these cultists have of blood magic.

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