02 | Holland

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I grunt at the pain moving through my body, my shoulders tense and aching from the third night sleeping against the wall. Pushing from the it, I tap a finger against it to clear it, my heart beating double time at the empty space next to me.

Scrambling up, I scan Archers room but he is not in there, the space vast and empty.

Rushing for the other side of the room, lifting a finger to tap it and my shoulders sag at the sight of Clay in his bed.

He moves quickly at the sight of me, jumping from the mattress and trusting closer, his face struck with worry.

I shake my head at him, pointing behind me at Archers empty room, "Did you see anything?" I make sure to mouth the words slowly so he can read them as they escape my lips.

His face falls and he shakes his head, narrowing past my should at Archers empty room.

My should say and I turn to the wall that faces the hallway that Director was walking along yesterday.

Banging a fist against it, I'm prepared for the wall to clear but unprepared for the small fleet of men and women waiting on the other side.

I stumble back as they press a button on the wall and the glass shift back, sliding away.

"Where the fuck is he?" I hiss at the man closest to me, the sight of his white lab coat causing the taste of ash in my mouth.

The man ignores me and the woman past his shoulder strides forward, get black gear and uniform a firm giveaway for who she is.

"Where did you take him?" I say again, letting the woman curl her hands around my arms and pull them harshly back, next she wraps a band around my wrists and tightens it, keeping them stuck behind my back.

"Are you taking me to him?" I question, letting them guide me past Clays room, where he watched with gritted teeth as they haul me past, our steps eating up the distance of the hallway, quickly reaching another room, this one boxed in with actual walls.

Nobody answers my questions as we walk closer.

The Doctor steps forward, swiping a card in the reader before pushing the door open and beckoning my guards to bring me inside.

Grunting at the pull in my muscles from the harsh treatment, I bit my tongue, letting them move me like a rag doll as we walk another short hallway and the Doctor unlocks another door, my legs almost failing under me as they push me in.

I stumble to a stop as the door slams at my back and I lift my head, relief taking over me at the sight of Archer in front of me.

I rush him and his arms open up for me, curling around me as I curl my own hands around his face, pulling his lips to mine.

"You're hurt." I mutter against his lips, feeling the split lip against my own.

"I don't care." He mutters, smoothing his lips firmly to mine, his arms tightening around me. "I need you close."

I don't say a word as he folds me into his embrace, his lips skimming my forehead before he rests his chin atop my head, breathing out.

"Holland." He murmurs softly.

I look up, resting my chin on his chest as I stare into his eyes, scanning his face for anymore injuries he'd gotten between the last time I'd seen him and now.

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