44 | Lilac

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Bits of concrete slide under my shoes, scraping along the floor as I take a slow step forward, my senses on high alert.

A noise sounds behind me and I turn, focusing on it and dismissing it quickly when nothing happens.

My steps are silent as I stalk my father, my blood hums a familiar tune as I turn another corner.

The beat of my heart pounds rhythmically in my chest, thumping in time with the lyrics rushing through my mind.

"Cause I am, I am
A little wicked
I am, I am
Hands red, hands red
Just like you said
I am, a little wicked"

I start to hum unconsciously under my breathe, my blood pumping in my ears.

Something crashes further ahead of me and I start to walk towards it, steps leisurely pounding against the concrete floor.

"As I lay me down to sleep
I will not scream, I will not weep
If he should die, before he wakes
I pray the Lord, his soul to take"

I turn a corner and catch a glimpse of dark fabric before it disappears behind another door and only then do I hasten my steps.

I turn the corner, almost stumbling a the sight of the body sprawled out in front of me.

Romeos sightless eyes stare up at the roof, his blood spread out around him like a pair of wings.

Stepping past his body, I continue walking, listing for any sign of my father, my heart aching for Sebastian.

He'd said Romeo was here when he was on the phone. Romeo was alive. And I can bet anything my father was the one who killed him.

My hands run along the adjacent walls, fingertips finding grooves and cracks and running over them without a flinch.

I smile slightly as I near a door, the telltale sign of someone just having entered it noticeable in the way it sways slightly.

My emotions leave my body as I block everything out but the thought of his death.

I kick the door open with a booted foot and narrow my eyes at the sight of my father before me.

Samael stares back at me, the man standing behind the barrel of a gun.

"You're not leaving here alive." I tell him. "I don't care if I die too."

He ignores my words, not even looking towards me as he looks around the room, as if searching for something or someone, an emotion floating past his eyes that I can't pinpoint.

"Your sister didn't deign to bless us with her presence?" Samael says smoothly. His features are painted with distaste. "She's always been the weak link." He shakes his head, hissing under his breath.

He walks almost calmly back and forth across the room, as if he doesn't even notice the gun trained on him.

"Where is Sebastian? What have you done with him?"

"Where is Clay?" He asks, ignoring my questions.

"He's not coming. Neither cares about you enough to watch you die."

Samael laughs, the sound grating on my frayed nerves.

"I've alway admired your attitude, Lilac." He shakes his head, his fingers tightening on his gun and mine do the same in retaliation. "They don't even know you're here." He adds.

I shrug, not agreeing or denying.

He tips his head back, a manic laugh tumbling from his lips and my brows furrow, eyes following the path of the blood dripping from his nose.

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