30 | Lilac

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Warm sunlight slips over my body, the sheets tangled between my legs, the mattress soft and pliable beneath my body as I open my eyes, gaze landing on the empty bed across from me, the sheets still perfectly made.

Sighing softly, I twist, feeling Sebs gaze on me, the man of the hour standing at the end of the bed, hands curled around the bannister as he leans back on it, his dark gaze smoothing over my body in a slow, sensual caress.

I lift a brow, sitting up slightly in the bed to view him better, my own eyes skating along his exposed chest, following the dips and grooves painted on his skin. Old wounds litter his body, white and jabbed across his ribs. His muscles contract under my gaze before I reach the sweats resting low on his hips, doing very little to hide anything beneath the thin great fabric.


"Sebastian." I murmur back, lifting my eyes to his.

The door below open with a low whine, my eyes snapping to glance at it, Sebastian turns from where he stands, looking down to the first floor of the loft.

"Romeo." Sebastian says, surprise in his voice. "You're home."

"So I am, John."

I get up from my spot on the bed, wrapping the sheets around me before I slowly walk to where Seb stands, resting a hip lazily against the bannister beside him.

I look down at Romeo as his head snaps up, eyes lingering on me before dismissing me, looking back to Sebastian.

"What is she doing here?"

I feel Sebs hand curl around my waist, pulling me smoothly into his body.

"She needed a place to stay."

"And you couldn't take her anywhere else?" Romeo says, his words implying there was another place to choose.

"No." Seb leaves no room for argument, before smirking at his brother. "Don't worry, we won't use your bed."

Romeo scoffs, the sound echoing off the four walls of the old warehouse.

"I'm not staying long. He'll be expecting me back tonight." Romeo raises a brow, as if delivering a message to Seb and I see Sebs jaw tick, before he nods harshly. "Just remember-" Romeo start a before Seb cuts him off.

"I know what to do."

Romeo moves through the first floor, walking quickly up the stairs as he grabs a bag and begins packing it quickly.

"I hope you know what you're doing." He says, avoiding looking at me even as I stare straight at him.

"Romeo-" Seb starts but Romeo doesn't listen, shoving one last item in his bag before descending the stairs and making for the door, turning back once to finally look at me.

"You've always been easily distracted, Brother." His gaze flicks from Seb to me and back again, "Just remember what you're here for."

"I know." Seb grunts out, anger coating his words in a thick layer.

I don't ask the questions nipping at me, pulling from Sebs hold as the door shuts, walking for the bathroom.

"I need to shower." I say, tightening the sheet around my body, looking back at Seb as I close the door.

"I'll cook you breakfast."

I smile at his grin, unable to stop myself. "Give me ten."

• • •

The smell of food wafts from the kitchen below, enticing me down. The old wood creaks under the pressure of my weight and Seb turns at the noise, the sight of him still shirtless, holding a spatula sure to live rent free in my mind for days.

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