43 | Lilac

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Andy waits upstairs for me, her eyes finding mine as soon as the basement door shuts behind me and then she looks past my shoulder, raising a brow.

"Is it done?"

I nod, not trusting my voice right now as I walk for the stairs, my eyes on the bathroom, needing to scrub my body of his stench and memory.

I stop at the bottom step, turning to look back at Andy, "Anything new?"

"I still haven't been able to find Sebastian." She mutters, lifting her cup of tea to her lips, "And Liam has heard nothing from him."

I nod, walking up the stairs.


I turn, lifting a brow at Andy, my hand on the bannister tightening.

"We'll find him."

I swallow, "All I care about is finding Samael."

I turn, but not before seeing the wariness cross Andy's face, her disbelief in my statement obvious.

And I don't blame her, I'm not sure I believe myself.

• • •

The bar is just opening when I walk through the door and I lift a hand to wave at Lukas and Ray before walking for the back staircase, taking the stairs quickly.

Walking the hallway, I reach the door to the apartment quickly and knock, waiting for noice to come in before slowly picking the door open and peaking my head in.

"Just making sure you're not naked right now." I say when the door is fully opens and Holland rolls her eyes, "Ha-Ha." Her hands are curled around her, and I look to where Archer stands, making what look to be a sandwich.

Holland catches my eyes, "I'm hungry." She say to no question at all.

"Didn't ask."

"It's because this is the third lunch I've made her. The first made her vomit. The second she ate and she wanted another plate."

"Oh." I smile, walking closer and taking a seat on the bed beside her. "Pregnancy seems like a ball."

Hollands eyes close for a second as she nods, "Mhmmm. Everything makes me feel sick."

"Well. You only have yourself to blame." I mutter and then look to Archer who is bringing over the plate, "And him."

"Shut up."

I settle in beside her, letting my eyes slip shit as she eats, just content to be here.

"When was the last time you slept?"

"Well?" I ask without opening my eyes, "I don't know."

"Go to sleep, I'll wake you soon."

"No, I'm not sleeping." I murmur through a yawn.

"I don't think you have a choice." Holland murmurs, and I grunt, feeling sleep pull me into its embrace and I let it, sinking into it.

• • •

My sleep is interrupted with a ring, the sharp noise cutting through the peace and I grunt, turning slightly before forcing my eyes open.

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